WWII ends in Europe
The war in Europe comes to a end -
Truman Doctrine announced
Communists sieze power in Poland in Jan. 1947 -
Berlin airlift begins
NATO was established
Soviet Union explodes first atomic bomb
Communists win Chinese Civil War
U.S and other U.N nations fight North Korea
Korean War ended
U.S coup overthrows Iranian government
U.S sponsered coup overthrows Iranian government
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization is formed
Warsaw pact formed
Red Army crushes Hungrain Revolution
Sovits launch first man made satelite
Fidel Castro installs communist powr in cuba
East Germany builds Berlin Wall
Cuban missle crisis
China explodes first atomic bomb
U.S sends troops into Vietnam
Soviet Red Army crushes Czech Republic
President Nixon visits China
S.Vietnam falls to communist power
U.S and China estabilish diplomatic relations
U.S invades Grenada
Berlin wall is torn down
Soviet Union is abolished