Yalta Conference
Cited as the start of the cold war. Big Three met to discuss German terms of surrender. -
United Nations
International organization to settle world problems and avoid armed conflicts. -
Truman Doctrine
USA would provide military and economic aid to countries threatened by communism. -
Marshall Plan
US economic recovery for war-torn Europe. $13 billion in US loans. -
Berlin Air Lift
US and British airplanes flew supplies into West Berlin. -
Council for Mutual Assistance/Soviet plan to aid in rebuilding Soviet bloc nations. -
Korean War
UN forces sent in to stop Communist aggression and expansion. -
Hydrogen Bomb
After USSR exploded their 1st atomic bomb. It was more destructive than the atomic bomb. -
American politician and Army general who served as the 34th President -
Warsaw Pact
Military alliance of Communist Block nations, "collective security" -
1st satellite to orbit Earth. -
Soviet leader after Stains death. -
Fidel Castro
Communist forces seized control of Cuba. -
Cuban Rev.
Fulgencio Bastista Cuban Dictator over thrown. -
American spy plane shot down my USSR. -
Bay Of Pigs
Cuban exiles would invade Cuba and lead a revolt against Castro. -
John F. Kennedy
American politician who served as the 35th President. -
Berlin Wall Built
Was built to keep East Germans from fleeting to West Germany. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. -
Vietnam War
Vietnam divided into 2 states. North and South Vietnam. -
USA agrees with North Vietnam and withdraws forces. -
US improvement, Soviet relations. -
USSR 10 year war against Afghan Rebels. -
Freedom of expression for Soviet citizens, openness. -
Gradual change of Soviet economy. Restructuring. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization/collective security -
Berlin Wall Torn Down
East Germany opened to the West. -
Cold War Ends
Gorbchev and Pres. George Bush met declaring end to Cold War. -
Soviet Break Up
USSR made up of 15 separate Republics.