Aug 13, 961
Berlin Wall Start
The Berlin wall was created to separate the city of Berlin. It created 2 completely different worlds, East Berlin, and West Berlin. The people had no contact with the other side, and if they tried to cross, had deadly concequences. -
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba around 1959 when he overthrew Batista. Castro made some good changes to Cuba including his work with healthcare and education. However, Castro's views on Communism left many Cubans rattled. The Cubans who tried to get away from his dictatorship, and were caught, were brutally executed. -
Yalta Conference
Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt discussed and came to an agreement on what to do after WWII. -
Arms Race
A competition between the USSR and the US for weapons. They both wanted the best and most high tech nuclear and other types of weapons. -
Red Scare
The Red Scare was fear that there were Communists in the United States. Many government workers went through thorough background checks, and everyone was very on edge. However, after about ten years the fear faded. -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine stated tatthe US wouldhlp and democratic countries from any intermal or external forces. Our help could come politcaly, economically, or militarily. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was created to aid the Western European Countries that were destroyed by WWII. They gave roughly about 13 billion dollars to different countries, and offered money to some. Many countries who were influenced by the USSR were forced to decline the money. -
Berlin Blockade
The Berlin Blockade was a Soviet attempt to cut the Allies off from West Berlin. The Allies then flew all the necessary supplies to East Berlin. This act is a major cause for the Cold War. -
Berlin Airlift
The US, British, and Soviet forces divide Germany up between themselves. They also divided up the city of Berlin. -
COMECON was a Council for mutual assistance. It was created so the Soviets could aid the rebuilding of the Soviet bloc Nations. -
NATO Founded
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization that provides safety and security to its member countries. They offer protection through both military and politics. -
Korean War
The Korean War started when North Korea invaded South Korea and engaged in war. The UN and the US aided South Korea, while the USSR and China sided with North Korea. Since they never signed a treaty, North and South Korea are still at war. -
Joseph Stalin Dies
Stalin was a heavy smoker so he developed atherosclerosis. He also suffered from a small stroke. These things led to his health decreasing and him having a massive heart attack. -
Nakita Khrushchev comes to power
Nikita Khrushchev was a politician throughout the Cold War, and held many political positions. He held the position of first secretary for about 11 years, and was a Chairman for the Council of Minister. -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was created to make a mutual agreement of defense between many eastern European countries. They created it because the Soviets saw a threat when NATO was created. -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a long and deadly war for both parties. The US was trying to keep Communists out of power in Vietnam so they were fighting the Communist Party. When the US finally withdrew from the war, the Communist Party took over two years later. -
Suez Crisis
The Israeli armed forces pushed into Egypt toward the Suez Canal after Egyptian president nationalized the canal in the July of that same year. The Israelis joined were by French and British forces, which nearly brought the Soviet Union into the conflict, and damaged their relationships with the United States. In the end, the British, French and Israeli governments withdrew their troops. -
Space Race
The space race was the competition between the USSR and the US to get to space first. -
Sputnik 1
The Sputnik was the first artificial satellite to orbit around Earth. The Soviets launched it into Earths orbit on October 4. -
U-2 Incident
The USSR shot down a US plane. The plane was a spy plane that was getting information about the USSR. The pilot was then captured, and later returned. -
First Man in Space
Yuri Gagarin was the first man to enter space. He was with the Russian team trying to get their men in space first. He was launched into orbit in the Vostok 3KA-3 spacecraft, and made it home safetly. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Cuban Exiles invade Cuba to try and change Cuba back into a Republic, because Fidel Castro changed it to a Communist government. This went poorly and the Exiles got destroyed. -
USSR-US Spy Swap
Francis Gary Powers was captured by the Soviets after having his plane shot down. The Soviets kept him prisoner for 2 years before the 2 countries swapped prisoners. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
In October, the Soviets installed nuclear missiles on Cuba, very close to the US. Then President Roosevelt built a blockade around Cuba using our naval force. This showed our power, and how we were willing to get rid of the threat if we needed to. -
Soviet Invasion of Afganistan
The Soviets intervened in Afghanistan to aid the Communist party there. This war lasted for about 9 years before the Soviets withdrew from the war. -
Berlin Wall Comes Down
The German Government announced that you could visit your loved ones on the other side of the wall. This led to slow chipping away at the wall's concrete, and the final use of demolition equipment to take the rest of the wall away. -
Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power
Mikhail Gorbachev was elected into a 5 year presidency position in 1990. He won with the 2/3rds vote, but it was close. During his presidency he made many threats to resign if things didnt go his way. -
German reunifacation
The German Democratic Republic joined with the Federal Republic of Germany. This is also when Berlin reformed into a single city again. -
U.S.S.R Breakup
When Mikhail Gorbachev stepped down as president, the countries broke away, leaving them free nations. Russia was also left under the control of Boris Yeltsin. -
INF Treaty
The Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty was between the USA and the USSR. This eliminated the nuclear forces against each other.