The Stuggle Begins
Communism spread through Easten Europe which created more tension between the Soviets and western democracies. Churchhill brought up the idea of the Iron Curtain which would create divions of Germany and threaten peace. -
The West Refuses to Have it
President Truman introduced the Truman Doctrine. It was a pledge to provide ecdonimic and military aid to prevent the spread of Communism. The Marshall Plan provided 13$ billion for rebuilding Europe. -
Issues in Berlin
The Soviets blocked all land, rail, and water routes into Berlin. Western leaders organized the Berlin Airlift, a massive affort to supply West Berlin by air. It was a success and the blockades were called off in May 1949. -
New Alliances
After the airlift, the U.S., Canada, and most Western European countries joined a military alliance called the North Atlantic Treay Organization (NATO). In 1955, The Soviet Union and countries of Eastern Europe formed an alliance known as the Warsaw Pact. -
The Korean War
In June, North Korea suprises the South. Un forces land behind enemy lines attacking the North. They gain control of most of the country, but China then joins North Korea's side. In January they took back half of the country. -
Nuclear Arms Race
The United States tested their first hydrogen bomb. Less then a year later the Soviets tested thier first. Deterrance is the development of military power to prevent an attack. The two nations wer locked in an arms race, the struggle to gain an advantage is weapons. -
Soviets Launch Sputnik
The Soviets launched the first object that would orbit the Earth. In response the U.S. established the National Aeronautics and Space Administartion (NASA). -
European Economic Community
In 1957 six European nations joined. In 1960, seven Eruopean countries formed the rival European Free Trade Association. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The U.S. government secrectly trained about 1,500 Cubans who had fled Castro's reign. American officials belived the Bay of Pigs invasion would start an uprising but they were defeated. After a two-week standoff Soviets removed the missiles when the U.S. promised not to attack Turkey or Cuba. -
Weapon Treaties
Richard Nixon sought dentente or reduced tension between the two. These talks led to Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. In the 80's they ratified the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. -
Velvet Revolution
In Czechoslovakia this revolution was peaceful and pushed the Communists out of power. The berlin wall was torn down in November 1989.