Defeat of Germany and Japan
U.S. Drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
20 kiloton bomb 'Little Boy' kills 80,000 -
The United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasak
22 kiloton 'Fat Man' kills 70,000 -
Japanese surrender -- end of WW II
"Sinews of Peace" Iron Curtain Speech by Winston Churchill
"an "iron curtain" has descended on Europe" -
the US policy of fighting the spread of commuunism by limiting it to countries where it already existed -
Marshall Plan
A plan to help Europe recover from the war--- America sent them money -
Berlin Blockade
one of the first major international crises of the Cold War. During the multinational occupation of post–World War II Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
10 western European countries, the US, and Canada, formed NATO. In this agreement is was that upon an attack on any NATO country, they agreed, would be treated as an attack against them all -
Warsaw Pact
Called for militay cooperation among the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czchoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, and East Germany. If any one of these nations were attacked, the others promised to come to its defense. -
Period: to
Vietnam War
In the civil war between the North and the South the U.S. supported the democratic south. -
Berlin Wall
In 1961, East Germany and the Soviet Union tried to stem the tide of East Germans fleeing to West Berlin by putting a wall between the two parts of the city. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
On April 17, about, 1400 Cuban exiles landed on a Cuban beach in the Bay of Pigs. Nothing went as planned. The Cuban people did not rise up in revolt, and the invaders were quickly killed or captured. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
This intelligence photograph proved that the Soviet Union had given Cuba nuclear missiles that could reach the United States in minutes. President Kenned insisted the Soviets remove the weapons. For 6 days, the world moved dangerously close to nuclear war. Then, the Soviet Union agreed to Kennedy's demand. -
Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev came into power hoping to reform and make it work better. -
Communism Collapses