Cold War Timeline

  • Iron Curtain Speech

    This speech was given by Winston Churchill in Fulton, Missouri in front of 40,000 people.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman takes over presidency from John F. Kennedy. This doctrine helps people fight the communists.
  • Marshall Plan

    Gave tons of money for countries that need to rebuild. (every country in Europe). Stalin said no.
  • Berlin

    The Soviet Union stopped shipments going to Berlin between West Germany and because of this it left about 2.5 million people without supplies and water.
  • NATO

    This was the day that NATO was officially established which stands for North Atlantic Treat Organization.
  • Bomb

    This was the date that the Soviet Union exploded their first bomb.
  • NATO

    Turkey and Greece join NATO
  • Stalin dies

    Joseph Stalin dies. The Soviet Union are looking for a new leader
  • KGB

    KGB were the russian and soviet spies along with the coming of NSA and CIA in america
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first artificial thing launched into space
  • Man on the moon

    Neil Armstrong; the first man to step foot on the moon
  • Berlin

    The Berlin Wall falls. It took 28 years to buil it to keep the Germans from fleeing