Berlin Blockade
This was the first major event in the Cold War. It was built by the Russians to keep people from going over to the other side. -
Korean War
North Korea invaded South Korea which is a marked event in the Cold War. The war ended on the first dividing line where it all started. -
Sputnik was the first Russian sattlite in space. The Russians created it during the space rase to get to the moon. -
Kennedy is now President
He is my faverit President. -
Bay of Pigs
Bay of Pigs was a faild invation in Cuba the U.S. faild to get a foot hold in Cuda. The Russians made an allince with Cuba so they could get guns on America. -
Creation of the Berlin Wall
This Wall was to seperate East Germany from West Germany Russians built it to stop people from leaving. People in the West were starving so the U.S. and Britan helped out. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Gremany was finily whole again and so the people in the East would finily get something to eat. It also marked the end of the Cold War. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis only took 13 days. The Russians were suppling Cuba with NUKES to shoot at the U.S. -
Disarmament Agreements (SALT, SALT II)
First one was to make missles to strike at the U.S. The second one is to build more bombs or missles so much like the first. This had to increes the stress between the U.S. and Russia. -
Vietnam War
Vietnam was also known as the second Indochina War. The Comm. control 2 years after the U.S. leaves 58,000 Americans were killed. -
Gorbachev`s Reforms (Perestroika/Glasnost)
When started it only took a few years too sweep Comm. from Russia. This ended the Cold War between Russia and the U.S. -
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
The war lasted for 9 years for the Russians. Christan and Muslim contries fought against the Russians. -
Creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact
To make allinces with Western Europe to prevent further expanction of Comm. This is what conturbuted to the Cold War.