The Cold War
As the relationship between the western nations and the Soviet Union continued to worsen, the U.S. and the Soviet Union entered an era of tention and hostility, otherwise known as the Cold War. -
The Potsdam Conferrence
The Allied divided Germany into four zones- France controled the southwest region, Britian controlled the northwest region, the U.S. controlled the South, and the Soviot Union controlled the East. -
Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was a speech delivered by former British Leader Winston Churchill. The speech decribed the sharp devision in Europe that happened because of the Soviet's actions. he used an iron curtain to sharpen that image. -
The Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was a pledge to provide military and economic aid, this was to oppose the spread of communism. The U.S. was commit to help and their. Congress aided hundreds of millions of dollars to Greece and Turkey. -
Soviets block West Berlin
The Soviet Union leaders blocked off all rail, land, and water routes in and out of West Berlin. As a result, the people couldn't import coal, food, and other important supplies. This was done in an attempt to establish a democratic government. -
The Marshall Plan
Truman was worried about Europe turning Communist, believing that would happen if the conditons there worsened. This led the U.S. goverment to launch its huge economical aid program. Named the Marshall Plan, it provided $13 billion dollars for re-building Europe. -
Berlin Airlift
Since West Berlin was still blocked, the Berlin Airlift was organized in order to help supplies reach in/out of the city. At a point, the airlift was taking off or landing every 30 seconds. Being a major success, the Soviets called off the bloackage in May of 1949. -
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
After the airlift, the U.S., Canada, and most Western European countries joined together in military alliance. This alliance was called the North Atantic Treaty Organization, otherwise known as NATO. This organization was designed to counter Soviet's power in Europe. -
The Warsaw Pact
After the Soviet's heard about the NATO, they decided to make their own. The Soviet Union and other Eastern European Communist nations formed their own alliance known as the Warsaw Pact, formally known as the Treaty of Friendship. -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was a wall that physically and ideologically divided Berlin. Berlin was divided into West Berlin and East Berlin. This pretty much was done to stop immigrants. It was eventually demolished almost 28 years later.