Cold war tv series cnn

Cold War Timeline

  • the cold war begins

    the cold war begins
    The cold war started after the second world war. It started as a politial and military tension between the United States of America(NATO) and the Soviet union.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a an American program to aid Europe. This is where the US helped rebuild European economies. This was also to help modernise and prevent the spread of communism.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was an event where when germany was divided up, the Soviet Union blocked all highways, railroads, and canals. They thought this would drive people out of the city. Then the allied responce was a hudge suply of food and supplies that was flown over to them.
  • Forming of NATO

    Forming of NATO
    NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This organization was created in 1949 by the US, Canada, and some Western European nations. This provided collective protection against the Soviet Union.
  • Forming of Warsaw Pact

    Forming of Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw pact was a an allience between the Soviets and its Eastern satellite counries. It was in responce to NATO, Warsaw had the same theories as them. This was also a way for The eastern countries to tell the west to keep out.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    This was a 13 day confrontation from october 15 to october 28 between the US and the Soviet Union over the way the nuclear missiles were positioned in cuba.
  • SALT

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty is signed by the Soviet Union and the United states. This limited the proliferation of weapons, including nuclear missiles.
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

    Soviets invade Afghanistan
    In late December the Soviet Union sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan and automatically assumed they had control. This modivational and financal dissasters was a major factor in ending the Cold War.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was a barrier that divided berline from1961 to 1989. as the Cold War started to thaw and they decided to open the border. people came and celebrated while people and cranes took chunchs out of the wall and knocked it down.
  • the cold war ends

    the cold war ends
    The end of the cold war was the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The USSR realized the bankruptcy and collapse of their country.