Cold War Timeline

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    Yalta Conference

    The conference had the president Franklin Rooselevelt, prime minister Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. This conference went on for a couple of days and had been held in Yalta and Livadiya. The point of this conference was to discuss what they would do with germany, their final decision was to split it between them all into 4 diffrent sections between America, Britian, Russia and France. The city of Berlin would also be split into four sections.
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    Postdam Conference

    This was a meeting held in Germany where Britain, the United States and the Soviet union where they had all planned their post war peace.
  • hiroshima bombing

    hiroshima bombing
    President Truman had wanted to take over Japan but it would cause a lot of Americans to die so instead they bombed Japan until they had let them
  • nagasaki bombing

    nagasaki bombing
    President Truman had still been making an effort to take over Japan and so after their first bombing Japan still had not given in to their demands so they were bombed once again.
  • Molotov Plan

    Molotov Plan
    It was made to promote communism and that they would give people aid to help rebuild their country if they were aligned with the economic and political aspects of communism .
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    It was meant to try and spread the sphere of influence that America had and it was meant to try and contain Communism as much as possible so that a domino affect did not happen
  • Treaty of Brussels

    Treaty of Brussels
    This was a massive alliance between Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. This ended up forming into NATO
  • Marhsall Plan

    Marhsall Plan
    it was a plan to give economic help to country's in Europe post war.
  • NATO

    It was originally an alliance to try and prevent Russia incase they ever decided to do what Hitler did and try to take over. And what would happen is if a nation that was apart of NATO all other NATO member's would help them out.
  • Soviet creation of nuclear weapons

    Soviet creation of nuclear weapons
    Their first bomb that they created was similar to the Fat Man but this one had been named First Lightning by the Soviets and nicknamed Joe 1 by the Americans. It was created to catch up to the Americans.
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    Korean War

    The Korean war was a war between North and South Korea, Then the Soviets and the Americans had turned it into a proxy war to spread their spheres of influences. North Korea took communism while South Korea took capitalism.
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    Fidel Castro's take over

    Fidel Castro took over Cuba in order to do some offense against capitalism, and to also spread the ideas of communism
  • Stalin's Death

    Stalin's Death
    He ended up dying after a stroke, then after his funeral was held thousands of people ended up dying in a human crush. He was then buried at Kremlin Wall Necropolis in Moscow.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This was basically Russia's version of NATO and its entire purpose was to counter NATO
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    Vietnam War

    This was a war between North and South Vietnam and Russia and the United States had turned it into a proxy war, the Soviets had given one side supplies and things that they needed while the US gave physical support with actual troops being deployed there. This war ended up with no one winning and a ridiculous amount of deaths.
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    Hungarian Revolution

    The people of Hungary had decided they were no longer going to listen to their government and had finally stood up against it. The people did not agree with the communist polices that were put into place so the revolted. They did things like cut the communist symbol out of their flags.

    This was a aerospace command that prevents missle strikes from happening and that i would destroy the threat or give warning. This was invented just in incase Russia had ever decided to launch an attack.
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    Bay Of Pigs

    It was an attack that the United States had launched against Cuba in order to over throw Fidel Castro. They had used Cuban exiles to attack. They had failed.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    Joseph Stalin had created this wall in order to protect his quarter of Berlin free from the sphere of influence that America had created.
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    Cuban Missile crises

    This was after the United States had a drone fly over Cuba for reconnaissance and had found out that the Soviets had placed nuclear weapons on Cuba so the Untied States had gone into a panic and everyone had started to prepare for worse case scenario.
  • Nuclear Arms Treaties

    Nuclear Arms Treaties
    this was a treaty that had the objective to stop and help prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
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    Afghan-Soviet war

    It was when the Mujahideen and the Maoist groups decided to fight against the soviets and their ideas after they had taken control over their country. They ended up being backed up by the Americans and a lot of other nations.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Solidarity in Poland
    it was an anti-authoritarian social movement that used their own civil rights to gain more workers rights and to create a social change in their society .
  • Fall of the Berlin wall

    Fall of the Berlin wall
    This was a massive movement that marked the starting of the end of the cold war. It was finally taken down after political reforms began within the soviet union, and the escalating pressure from eastern Europe.
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    Czechoslovakia Revolution

    It was a wave of protests against their communist ruled nation. They were successful in ending the 40 year long ruling of communism in their country.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    After the Iron Curtain or the Berlin Wall was lifted, free elections started to over power the communist ruling in a lot of nations. Thus losing the Cold war and putting and end to a 45 year long war.