
Cold War Timeline

By AB3000
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Two periods of bad and strong anti-communism in the U.S it was a violence and social period where it was the rise of communism. and puting out racial threats and etc.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Roosevelt , Churchill , and Stalin " The Big Three " met to talk about postwar plans and they discussed about Germany and decided and agreed that Poland , Bulguria and Romania would hold free elections . And was very long before that didn't work out.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    An altered " " big three" met in potsdam Truman , Atlee and Stalin while they discussed they planned to split Germany into 4 parts ; Soviet , American , British , French . Later on , the American , British , and French joined as one as a democracy . Which Soviet was communists and they people tried to go to West Germany . Which resulted as the fall of the Berlin Wall .
  • Creation of the U.N

    Creation of the U.N
    Was a league of nations , an organization intended to mantain peace and security from communism and other things such as , and come together and make decision as a whole and promoting social living. For better life of americans and its allies.
  • The beginning of baby boom

    Men returning to the United States , following duties overseas of WWII had wanted to start families . which brought tons of kids , the goverment paid for their services , and ecomony went up rapidly .
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    It was central to the Cold War , many feared that who had the most nuclear weapons was more powerful , So the tried to race for everthing the atomic bomb . and the communists tried to get information from U.S about it.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    It a document stating that any country or nation fighting commusium the U.S will provide money or aid or send troops to help and aid .
  • The Hollywood Ten

    The Hollywood Ten
    It was a blacklist of celebrities , which were accused of being communists . But , they were not or maybe they either fought the protest. or changed their identity to get away from it .
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    Actually the Europe Recovery Program , America program to rebuild Europe and aid them , because they were devasted after WWII even their economy , it took for four years to recover their economy and landmarks .
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    Communism expanded so that told the U.S and the other eleven nations to form together to help stop and prevent , or aid another nation fighting it .
  • McCarthyism

    concerns of communism , growing in Eastern Europe , and China to procasting senator Joseph McCarthy made a public accusation that more than two hundred communists came in the U.S government which is a false statement . it was never proven , mainly to put him on a higher power.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The communists north invaded the S.Korea area , The U.N asked the U.S and token forces from other nations to help S.Korea but , they help move out the communists out , Then China attacked U.N forces but it was a gusty fight so , they stayed the same.
  • The Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs
    They were Jewish American communists , who were convicted because they committed a esionpage during the war for passing information to the Soviets about the atomic bomb the U.S was making. And they were not the only spies in the U.S working for Stalin .
  • Formation of Warsaw Pact

    Formation of Warsaw Pact
    Most commusists countries heard about the NATO alliance , and they didnt want to stand alone so they formed an alliance of their own called Warsaw Pact . Which was signed in Warsaw, Germany. They would do as the NATO would do for a country that fighting the U.S.