Chinese Revelution
This was the second part of the Chinese civil war, this started in 1946 and came to an end in 1950. The war was between the Communist Party of China and the Republic of China. Eventually, the People's LIberation Army was victorious. This effected the Cold War because China was now communist so China was on that side. Also I couldn't find the exact start date so I put in a random one. -
Korean War
From 1950-1953 the Korean War was a war between South Korea, supported by UN and US, and North Korea (Communist) Supported by China and Soviet Union. The result was the two Koreas were divided by the 38th parallel. For the Cold War, this meant there was another communist country in North Korea. -
Hungarian Revelution
This revelution lasted from October to November of 1956. This was between the Soviets and the Revelutionaries in Hungary, Hungary had communist rule and the Soviets crushed them in this. For the Cold War this showed that the Soviets had muscle. -
Sputnik Launch
The event occured on October 4, 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial earth sattelite. This wal also connected with the space race, which the US was a part of, after this launch they followed suit, but failed with the Sputnik Crisis. This triggered the space race, a big part of the Cold War. -
U2 Spy Plane shot down
This event occured on May 1st of 1960. The plane was that of the US, and was shot down over the Soviet Union. The US goverrnment was forced to admit the plane was supposed to be used for surveillance. This increased tension between the US and the Soviets. -
Berlin Wall goes up
The Berlin Wall was consructed starting on August 13 1961. East Germany constructed this and it completely blocked off West Berlin. East Germany claimed they put it up to protect its population from fascist elements. This caused the US to get involved. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was two weeks in October of 1962. This involved the Cubans and there allies the Soviets, and on the other side the US. Cuba was very close to launching a nuclear attack on the US. But after discussion, Kennedy agreed to remove his missiles, and the Soviets and Cubans backed off of their threat. For the Cold War, this meant the US took some control. -
Russia invades Afghanistan
This war lasted from 1979 to 1989. It was between Soviet led Afgan Forces and multi-national insurgent groups. This resulted in Soviet forces withdrawing from Afghanistan. After this, Carter placed a trade embargo against the Soviet Union on shipments of commodities such as grain and weapons, this increased tensions in the Cold War.