Period: to
Cold War
The cold war was a time period after World War II, where everyone was at the break of war over trying to contain communism. -
Yalta Conference (1945)
-Conference held between the U.S., United Kingdon, and the Soviet Union to discuss about post-war, period after WWII -
Potsdam Conference (1945)
-Conference between the Soviet Union, United Kingdon, and the U.S. deciding what to do with Germany.
-Many wanted to divide Germany up -
United Nations (1945)
-Created to replace the League of Nations.
-also created to stop war between countries -
HUAC (1947-1975)
-Committee of U.S. House of Representatives
-When people were acussed of being communist spies they were to be trialed infront of HUAC
RED SCARE (1947-1957)
-Joseph McCarthy had claimed he had a list of commmunists in the U.S. this later became known as McCarthyism, were people lived in constant fear of communists. He also continued to fuel the Red Scare.
-famouse hollywood film writers who were acused and refused to testify, EX.
- Walt Disney -
Truman Doctrine (1948)
-States that the U.S. will help aide Greese and Turkey with their millitary needs and help with their economy -
Marshal Plan (1948)
- American program to help aide Europe with their economy and military forces ( aide to places that are being threatend by communism)
Berlin Blockade/Berlin Airlift (1948-1949)
-Soviet Union blocked allied forced from their railways, roads and canals (all access cut off to the allied controlled areas of Berlin).
-This was an attempt to starve allied forced of supplys until they left
-Was a responce to the Berlin Blockade
-In this responce the Berlin Airlift was created to bring in supplies to the areas in need in West Berlin -
NATO (1949)
NATO, also known as Norht Atlantic Treaty Pact, was creaded for millitary alliance and played an important roll during the cold war, but the Soviet Union responded against it. -
CIA (1950)
-The CIA was created to capture communist spies from Russia spying on the U.S. within our perimiters -
Korean War (1950- 1953)
North Korea-Communist
South Korea- American Occupied
-Both divided at the 38th parallel line
-War started by North crossing the 38th parallel line and invading the South
- In 1953 a peace treaty was signed -
Nuclear Arms Race (1952)
-Race or competiton between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over Nuclear Warfare
-The hydrogen bomb was created during this race -
Warsaw Pact (1955)
-Treaty between eight communist places in responce against NATO -
Vietnam War (1945-1975)
ESCALATION (1955-19650
-The U.S. tried to prevent the noth from becoming communists by containment
- Ho Chi Mihn and communists have been planing this for years
-On January 30, 1968 vietcong and NVA cells attacked 27 U.S. militarly installations
-May 4, 1970
-National gaurd troops called to calm the protesting of college students down. In the prosses troops fired, killing 4 students
-President Nixon's plan to bring troops back -
Space Race (1957-1975)
NASA (July 29, 1958)
-Created to further exploration during the cold war to replace another and to be better. During NASA's rising actions we have the first man on the moon and the first satellite launched into space, Spuntnik, in 1957 -
Bay of Pigs ( April 1961)
- a failed attempt to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro
Berlin Wall (1961)
-Built to seperate west and east Berlin -
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
-Cuba and Soviet Union secretly installed missles that faced the U.S.