verona project
counter intelligence program initiated by the us army to stop soviet unions affairs and decode what was being said -
iron curtain
physical boundary in the soviet uniondividing europe in 2 areas at the end of ww2 -
Cold War
because of foreign policy and military tension after ww2 between western bloc powers and becasue of political differences -
truman doctorine
american foreign policy to end imperialism during cold war president truman pledged to contain soviet russia, greece, and turkey -
berlin airlift
at the end of ww2 military divided and occupied germany -
marshal plan
european recovery program aid to help europe. us gave 13 billion/ 130 billion in currency -
korean war
north and south korea went to war about about division of korea after ww2, korea was ruled by japan 2 governments nither accepting the border causing a war -
first artificial earth satellite launcehd by the soviet union -
Bay Of Pigs
invasion of cuba by brigate 2306 us govt & cuban govt were involved the us got involved to over throw the communist eader of cuba