Cold war

Cold war

  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    was a civil war in China fought between forces loyal to the government of the Republic of China and forces of the Communist Party of China. The forces loyal to china were led by the Kuomintang.
  • berlin blockade

    berlin blockade
    THis one one of the first major events of the cold war. it was when the soviet union blocked their western allies ralroads and road ways to sectors of berlin under allie control
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    this is when people airlifted goods to the sectors of berline that have been blocked by the berlin blockade. they delivered stuff like food and medicen and supplies.
  • formation of nato

    formation of nato
    this was created to stop further comusnism from spreading. The U.S and 11 other nations were involved
  • National Security Council Report NSC-68

    National Security Council Report NSC-68
    shaped U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War for the next 20 years. was 58 pages long.
  • korean war

    korean war
    was a war between the Republic of Korea supported by the United Nations. And Democratic People's Republic of Korea at one time supported by China and the Soviet Union.
  • President Truman fires General MacArthur

    President Truman fires General MacArthur
    the uited states president at the time truman fired Generall Macarthur. He did this becasue macarthur made statements that went against the addministrations policy.
  • formation of the warsaw pack

    formation of the warsaw pack
    the response to NATO being formed. the soviet union and 7 other nations