Cold War

  • House of Un-American Activities Committee

    This was to prevent the spread of Communism but only creating more problems for the Cold War. This lead to more problems because we were investigating disloyalty and communism only creating tension and panic. We started Blacklisting people to make sure they suffer for them "being" communist. We were punishing people we do not know if they were communist. We were causing more pain and just making a random guess and judgement.
  • G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    This was to promote good deeds during the Cold War by giving out benefits to veterans returning from war and to give them a good deed for serving their country. This promoted a good word for the Cold War by providing a reward for fighting for your country. This was put into place under Truman who did not support communism and was doing anything he could to prevent communism from spreading to the US and other countries.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    This gave aid to Greece and Turkey in danger of communism by supporting them through economic and military aid. This was to stop the Cold War by preventing Communism from spreading but only causing Russia/The Soviet Union to get angry and want to try and spread out more by taking control of their land. This was an attempt to prevent communism from taking over land/nations in places they do not want.
  • National Security Act of 1947

    National Security Act of 1947
    This was an advancement but also a problem solver for the Cold War. It created government agencies by creating the Department of Defense, CIA, and NSC. We created agencies to provide defense and protection. But it can be looked at like we are preparing for war but we are trying to keep world peace by protecting citizens.
  • Marshall Plan

    This was to control the problems going on in the Cold War. It was suppose to be used to donate money to rebuild war-torn Europe but it was viewed at the US just throwing money at the problem and it made Communism look more promising. So it was to prevent war but it was not put into the US favor.
  • NATO

    This was a solution or a problem solver for the Cold War. We used NATO to try and maintain peace and it put the US in western Europe. It put together a collective defense to protect the US and the North Atlantic. We wanted to maintain peace in Europe after the war they just got finished fighting. We wanted to maintain peace but Russia did not want us in Europe or anywhere near their land.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This was an advancement towards the Cold War because Japan ends up being split where we support the South and Russia supports the North. The North eventually invaded the South until it ended in a stalemate where nothing was progressing causing the 38th parallel armistice to end the war with the split. It was a constant battle over land that was not our to try and prevent communism from spreading.
  • Brinkmanship

    This was an advancement towards the Cold War because we were pushing to the verge of war. We were entitling that we want war and saying we could go to war. We are only hoping that they would back down. We are promoting war in a full hope they do not want to fight.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This was the establishment of uniting communist nations of eastern Europe. This made anyone who was part of the Soviet Union to work together to gain more power and establish more nations as communism. The US does not want this to happen because we want communism to stop spreading to stop gaining power. We want communism to stop all together but we need it to stop spreading. This contributes to the Cold War because Communism is being spread and put into place in other countries in Europe.
  • Sputnik

    This was more of a technological advancement during the Cold War. It promoted ideas that Russia was going to spy on us but it promoted the US to get more involved in Math and Science. Sputnik was the first artificial satellite to be launched into space by Russia. We believed Russia was using it to spy on the US and other countries to promote scare tactics and to get an idea and start a plan of attack.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    This U-2 incident made an advancement towards the Cold War. The Soviet Union shot down a spy plane taking the plane and our pilot. This created tension with the Soviet Union thinking they will start war or we will start war to get back our pilot and plane.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    This was a failed attempt to overthrow Castro. This caused a Cuban exile and we were providing Aid to those exiles. We pushed Cuba to the Soviet Union. This was a factor in the Cold War because we pushed Cuba into the Soviet Union causing them to go to Communism which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. We tried to overthrow a leader which could have led to actual war and fighting.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was put up to separate east and west Berlin and was viewed as a symbol for communism. Because it was taking away of human rights during the Cold War. This was a continuous battle between us and the Soviet Union because when they were trying to control Berlin we were supplying goods and services to help them during this time of need. We are just continuing the battle back in 1948.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was a huge step to the Cold War because this was the closest we were getting to an actually war and fighting. Russia was putting weapons and missiles into Cuba causing us to worry that they were going to use it on us or other countries. We each had different sides on a solution. We had weapons going to other countries and we were willing to fight to have Russia get their weapons out. This could have been the start of an all out war.
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    This was a solution to the Cold War to prevent panic and to try and save the environment to prevent nuclear weapons testing above ground. This helped control panic and to minimize damage done to the environment while still allowing us to test weapons that we can use to fight.