Cold war (1=least intense 10= most)

  • U.S. announces “Containment” 3

    U.S. announces “Containment” 3
    The Truman Doctrine was established.
  • American-Soviet cooperation ends at end of WWII 6

    American-Soviet cooperation ends at end of WWII 6
    The alliance between the Soviets and Americans was ended because of mistrust and hostility between the countries.
  • Four powers divide Germany 6

    Four powers divide Germany 6
    Germany was split into 4 pieces during the Yalta and Potsdam summits to prevent a single country from having power and sphere of influence over the entire state. The Americans didn't like the Soviets had Berlin under their sphere of influence so it was decided that Berlin would also be split into 4.
  • U.S. announces Marshall Plan 5

    U.S. announces Marshall Plan 5
    It was to financially rebuild through the martial plan. The whole idea was to spend millions of dollars on war torn countries so that they'll be stable and use democratic systems.
  • Berlin airlift 5

    Berlin airlift 5
    The Soviets did not like having to share Berlin with France, Britain and the U.S. because their Western influences could spread into his territory. so they blocked all supply roads so the three countries airlifted in supplies.
  • NATO set up 2

    NATO set up 2
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an alliance between that means if one nation who's a part of it gets attacked all the other ones will be on their side and protect them.
  • Korean War 9

    Korean War 9
    When Japan was defeated Korea was split into pieces much like Germany was. The country was split along the 38th parallel where the USSR got control of the north and established a communist government while The U.S. set up a sphere of influence in the south. The North attempted to "unify" the South with them via war. The U.S. decided to get involved because they assumed the USSR was behind it when they weren't really involved.
  • U.S. develops H-Bomb 8

    U.S. develops H-Bomb 8
    It was developed during WWII. When they had perfected the weapon they decided that it was the only war to end the war in Japan. Hiroshima was quickly erased.
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact 4

    Creation of Warsaw Pact 4
    It is a defense treaty between the Soviet Satellite states which are Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
  • Vietnam War 10

    Vietnam War 10
    After WWII, the French wanted to regain their colony but there were independence movements by communist groups that fought to maintain their self-determination. The US didn't give support to the French until China became communist. The UN decided to hold an election to determine the fate of the nation but then cancelled it when they saw that the communists would win. The Vietcong used guerrilla warfare as their main tactic so the US decided to use Naplm and later carpet bombing.
  • Soviet Union develops H-Bomb 7

    Soviet Union develops H-Bomb 7
    The Soviets managed to build their bomb a few years after WWII. Because 2 countries had missiles this created MAD (mutually assured destruction) which means if one country decides to launch their weapons it'll get some fired right back making the destruction the same in both countries. This also eventually led to Sputnick and the Star Wars.
  • Khrushchev calls for “peaceful co-existence” 1

    Khrushchev calls for “peaceful co-existence” 1
    The idea was that the Soviet Union and the USA could respect each other's political ideas. Khrushchev showed his willingness by offering peaceful agreements such as the Geneva Convention. Obviously this didn't work out because the Cold War broke out.
  • Hungarian Revolt 8

    Hungarian Revolt 8
    This was a country-wide uprising against the government that lasted under 2 weeks because the power of tanks and troops crushed them. Thousands were killed and wounded, and a quarter million fled the country.
  • Sputnik is launched 4

    Sputnik is launched 4
    Sputnik was the first satellite launched into orbit and this started the Star Wars and the idea of having missiles and weapons in space to launch whenever.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion 5

    Bay of Pigs Invasion 5
    It was a failed military landing operation by the U.S. in southwest Cuba. They wanted to overthrow the communist government that was set up in CUba
  • Berlin Wall is built 8

    Berlin Wall is built 8
    The Soviets wanted to protect their section of Berlin from those horrible Liberalist ideas so they just decided to segregate their section of Berlin. This wall separated friends and family so many people tried to immigrate out of East Berlin lots of which were successful.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis 10

    Cuban Missile Crisis 10
    When Cuba became communist, they became strong allies with the USSR which made them very happy to have a part of their sphere of influence so close to the USA since the Americans were right against theirs. An American spy plane discovered nuclear missile sites so the USA quarantined the island because a blockade would have been an act of war. WWIII almost broke out because of this incident but thankful it didn't and the USSR and the USA agreed to remove missiles from each other's spheres.
  • American-Soviet Hotline established 3

    American-Soviet Hotline established 3
    This hotline was a direct teleprinter and later a fax machine that went directly between Washington and Moscow. It was often referred to as the "Red Phone" but there was never a physical red telephone.
  • Partial Test Ban Treaty signed 4

    Partial Test Ban Treaty signed 4
    It was a treaty to make sure that nuclear weapon tests didn't harm the environment. It prohibited nuclear weapon tests underwater, in the atmosphere or in outer space. Underground is fine as long as no debris fall outside of the country doing the test.
  • Czech uprising (Prague Spring) 3

    Czech uprising (Prague Spring) 3
    It was the people of Czechoslovakia celebrating their new freedoms granted by the new USSR leader Brezhnev. Some of the things of the things included are acceptance of of opposition parties, more freedom of speech and freedom to travel.
  • U.S. votes to admit Communist China into U.N. 2

    U.S. votes to admit Communist China into U.N. 2
    A big part of this was this agreement made it so the only legitimate government in China is the People's Republic of China.
  • SALT treaty signed 4

    SALT treaty signed 4
    The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty was mostly about limiting the number of ICBMs that were built and the number of Anti-ballistic missile sites to 2. There was also a clause to leave newly independent nations alone.
  • Helsinki Accords 2

    Helsinki Accords 2
    This was also known as the Helsinki Final Act. Over 35 countries signed this as it was a human rights agreement.
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 9

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 9
    The country has a history of repelling invaders. In 1970 there were government coups that led to a communist-friendly government. The Soviets wanted to stabilize this nation-state in their sphere of influence so they declared they had been invited to the country and just took it over. A 10-year civil war broke out because of the people's willingness to protect their freedom. The Soviets committed terrible atrocities but eventually Gorbachev was forced to accept defeat and remove his troops.
  • Polish “Solidarity” uprisings 5

    Polish “Solidarity” uprisings 5
    This was Polish shipyard workers going on strike because the government made food prices go up just because they couldn't afford to subsidize it. The Polish people demanded more liberalism and eventually the government gave into the strikes and gave them more liberalism.
  • U.S. Star Wars research begins 5

    U.S. Star Wars research begins 5
    The idea was to be able to have missiles orbiting in space so that they could easily launch missiles anywhere they wanted. This caused a bit of race between America and the USSR to be able to have weapons in space but eventually it was decided not to have space warfare.
  • I.N.F. Treaty signed 3

    I.N.F. Treaty signed 3
    The Intermediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty was to reduce the arsenal of smaller weapons. This meant the destruction of almost 2,700 warheads. An important is the superpowers could inspect each other's arsenal.
  • Berlin Wall torn down 7

    Berlin Wall torn down 7
    Reagan went to Berlin in front of the Brandenburg gate saying that if Gorbachev really does support the ideas of glasnost then "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!" then one night in 1989 An East German government official said they were lifting travel restrictions and when he was asked when it was happening he mumbled "effective immediately?" People went and flooded across the border and started tearing down parts of the wall.
  • Iron Curtain collapses 3

    Iron Curtain collapses 3
    The ideas of liberalism started to spread to the East making the states break away from communist ideas breaking the Soviet sphere of influence/Iron curtain.
  • Germany is reunited 2

    Germany is reunited 2
    East and West Germany are reunited under the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • START 2

    START 2
    The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was made to reduce The number of warheads to 1550 each. But this hasn't worked since in 2009 Russia had 2,600 and the USA had 2,252.
  • Soviet Union ceases to exist 1

    Soviet Union ceases to exist 1
    Satellite states started breaking away from the USSR since they were no longer willing to accept communist rule, they wanted the liberalism that the West enjoyed. Eisenhower's domino theory happened in reverse, the war saw pact dissolved, several states broke away, and the soviet union itself broke into pieces and became Russia again.