Chinese Revolution
Chinese Nationalist Party and the communist party of China peace talks broke down. The us helped out with money, millitary supplies, and equipment. They wanted indepents. -
Korean War
Korean War victor side:untited nations, Republic of Korea, U.S.,United Kingdom, Austra< and Belgium. The soviet military became extensively involved in North Koreas War planning. Armed forces from the communist North Korea hit into South Korea set off the Korean War. The cold war stressed the imperative of the American domestic. The argument that the Korean War strongly influenced international history. -
Sputnik Launched (and the space race)
success precipitated the American Sputnik crisis. They began the space age and triggered the space race a part of part of the larger cold war. It was launched from the Baikonur cosmdrome in the Karagranda. The worlds first Artificial satellite was about the size of the a beach ball. -
U2 spy planes shot down
American U2 spy plane was shot down when conducting espionage over the Soviet Union, deepening the cold War antagonism with the two superpower. the soviet plane was invovled in the incident. The first flight was over Leningrad and Moscow that took place on July 4, 1960. It got shot down with an air missle on the morning of May 1, 1960. -
Berlin Wall goes up
The east and the west Berlin was involved with the Berlin wall goes up. After WW2 Berlin and the rest of Germany was divided into four and after 1952 this happened almost exclusively by entering west Berlin the wall went up overnight in 1961 -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The US and Societ union were invovled in the duban missile crisis. The crisis is about the cuba surface to air missile launching capabilities. The Soviets had nuclear base on island of cuba and was processing of supplying it with more arms. -
Uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
During the night August 20th 1968 the troops from Russia, Hungary, Bulgeria, East Germany and Poland occuped Czechoslovakis. The Czech military had no ability to stand up to such a force and the invassion was all but bloodless in stark constast to the 1956 Hungerian Uprising. Soviet leaders were concerned over the recent development in Czechoslvakia. -
Russia invades Afghanistan
In the midst of the cold war the soviet 40th Army invaded Afghanistan in order to prop up the communist govenment of the people. They had president Amin put down to death and they got their own new leader. The Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan was primarily mativated.