Cold War Events

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    Berlin Airlift

    The U.S. began a huge airlift of medicine, food and water to the citizens of the besieged city in response to the soviet union creating blockades into West Berlin
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    NATO was created in D.C. to secure peace in Europe. NATO was between the U.S., Canada and several western European nations
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    Korean war

    After 5 years of tension the war began when Northern Korea’s army attacked South Korea because the north wanted to unify Korea under communism.
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    Warsaw pact

    This was treaty between Soviet union and Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, east Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania, it established a mutual-defense organization
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    Vietnam war

    The U.S. and southern Vietnamese troops attacked northern Vietnamese and Viet Cong in Cambodia and Laos
  • Sputnik

    On Oct. 4, 1957 the USSR launched the first artificial satellite to orbit earth, the satellite is a metal ball about the size of a basketball, it orbited for 3 months until Jan. 4, 1958
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    Construction of Berlin Wall
    East German soldiers laid down 30 miles of barbed wire through Berlin to divide the east and west of Berlin, one side was the German democratic republic and the other side was the federal republic of Germany.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The crisis was a 13 day standoff between the U.S. and the soviet union. John F. Kennedy demanded all nuclear weapons be removed from Cuba, the U.S. blockade the island to prevent further nuclear attacks.
  • Moon landing

    Moon landing
    Two U.S. astronauts (Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz”Aldrin) became the first to walk on the moon due to the space race between the Soviet Union and the U.S.
  • Destruction of Berlin wall

    Destruction of Berlin wall
    Huge groups of Germans began destroying the wall during the night because of anti-government protests in East Germany. The wall was a border between East and West Germany.