Cold War Events

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Quebec Padlock Law

    Quebec Padlock Law
    A law passed by the Union Nationale government in Quebec that prohibits all communist propoganda. It was later declared un-constitutional and revoked in 1957
  • Gouzenko Affair

    Gouzenko Affair
    Igor Gouzenko was the soviet ambassador for canada, he revealed soviet spies in exchange for protection and candian citizenship.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    USSR sets up a blockade to try and prevent the west from reaching their half of Berlin. Lasts almost a year until the USSr gives up due to western nations reaching Berlin by plane.
  • NATO

    Military allliance between western nations including Canada, the USA France and Britian.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    South Korea and North Korea go to war back by their democratic and communist allies. USA backed the south USSR backed the north.
  • Vietnam and draft dodgers

    Vietnam and draft dodgers
    Vietnam war was a continuation of the communism vs capitalism fued. It was brutal and wasn't popular amongst American citizens, conscription was forced which led to American soldiers deserting to Canada.
  • Suez Crisis and Pearson wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Suez Crisis and Pearson wins Nobel Peace Prize
    Egypt took control of the Suez Canal causing Britian and France to attempt to fight for it back. The USA backed Egypt and the UN sent peace keeping troops organized by Lester B. Pearson a Canadian who later went on to win the Nobel peace prize for solving this crisis.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first man made artifical satellite to orbit the earth. It was launched by russians beating the Americans in the first stage of the space race.

    An aerospace defense agreement fromed between Canada and the united states to protect the continent of North America from missiles originally from the USSR. The dew line was an early warning radar system to detect incoming missiles.
  • Avro Arrow Cancellation

    Avro Arrow Cancellation
    The Avro arrow was a super sonic jet that was designed and built in Canada and was years ahead of its time. It was scrapped for unknown reasons.
  • Diefenbaker and Bombarc Missiles

    Diefenbaker and Bombarc Missiles
    Diefenbaker allowed bombarc missiles to be placed in canada however he did not allow nuclear warheads to be placed despite pressure from the USA.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    The USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba for strategic purposes. The US formed a naval blockade against Cuba. They dismanteled the missiles on the condition the the USA dismantle missiles in Turkey.
  • Canada Soviet Summit Series

    Canada Soviet Summit Series
    Hockey series between the USSR and Canada, Canada won in game 8 which was a patriotic event in defeating communism.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    This was the symbolic end of the cold war and the communist regime in the USSR. The berlin wall was the "iron curtain" and when this fell capitalism won.
  • Fall of the Soviet Union

    Fall of the Soviet Union
    Mikhail Gorbachev had been planning to end communism in the USSR due to a "stale economy". This day was the final day of transition where the Soviet flag was lowered and the Russian flag was raised.