Yalta Conference
V E Day
Potsdam Conference
Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
Truman Doctrine
Berlin Blockade
End of Berlin Blockade
NATO formed
Korean War Beginning
Mutual Security Act
Test of Ivy Mike
Korean War
Geneva Accords
Warsaw Pact
Hungarian Revolution
First living thing in Space
July Revolution
Explorer 6 is Launched
Paris East/West talks
First Human In Space
Cuban Missile Crisis
JFK Assassination
China tests first atomic bomb
Troops sent to Vietnam War
South African Border War
Bangkok Declaration
Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
First Mann on the Moon
Vietnam War
More troops sent to Vietnam
Four Power Agreement
Cambodia Killing fields
North Vietnam Invades
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
Jimmy Carter becomes President
Iranian hostage crisis
Soviet troops invade Afghanistan
Olympic Boycott by USA
Martial Law Declared in Poland
Iranian hostage crisis ended
START proposed
Olympic boycott by Russia
Govbachov leader of USSR
Chernobyl Disaster
Glasnost and Perestroika
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Lithuania becomes independent
Boris Yeltsin elected to presidency of Russia
German reunification
Desert storm victory parade in Washington D.C
End of Warsaw Pact
START treaty signed reducing nuclear weapons
START signed between US and Russia
Gorbachev resigned
End of the Soviet Union
Non-Proliferation Treaty