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Cold War

  • The Begining of Containment (Kennan's Long Telegram)

    The Begining of Containment (Kennan's Long Telegram)
    George Kennan writes the Long Telegram which functions as a criticism of the USSR and communism. This thinking ultimately leads to the U.S. policy of containing communism.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The U.S. begins offering aid to European countries. The USSR prevent eastern bloc countries from getting aid from the Marshall Plan in order to retain power of eastern Europe.
  • Berlin Blockade and Air Lift

    Berlin Blockade and Air Lift
    Stalin creates the Berlin Blockade between West and East Germany. The U.S. as well as other western European countries begin delivering aid to East Germany through airlifts. This becomes important as a dividing line between the two powers.
  • New Look Containment

    New Look Containment
    Eisenhower approves New Look Containment policy in 1953. Perhaps the most prominent feature is a commitment to consistent military prepardness which escalates tensions.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The USSR and seven other communist states create a pact for collective defense. This is relevant as strategic positioning militarily by the USSR.
  • Khruschev Claims the USSR Will Crush the U.S.

    Khruschev Claims the USSR Will Crush the U.S.
    Khruschev, who replaces Stalin, says, "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you". This is a direct implication of the U.S. economic system and a clear division between the two countries.
  • Sputnik

    The USSR launches Sputnik which signifies the begining of the space race. This has implicaitons for technological advancement of militarization.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Newly elected JFK orchastrates a failed invasion of Cuba. This serves as an embarassment to the U.S. as well as a precursor to Fidel Castro openly supporting Marxism. This creates tension given Cuba's close proximity.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The USSR plans to put nuclear missles in Cuba and only agrees not to when the U.S. is willing to agree to not invade Cuba again. Castro openly states he though nuclear warheads would be used. This is the closest the Cold War gets to nuclear action.
  • SALT signed

    SALT signed
    The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty is signed. This is one of the first steps towards de-escalation between the two powers.
  • Ronald Regan President

    Ronald Regan President
    Regan wins the presidency and works with Margaret Thatcher on staunch anti-communism. He greatly increased military spending and was a major player in the end of the Cold War.
  • Iranian Revolution

    Iranian Revolution
    KGB backed Iranian Revolution removes pro-U.S. government. This results in a rise in escalation between the two powers again.
  • Soviets in Afghanistan

    Soviets in Afghanistan
    The USSR initiates a war in Afghanistan. The U.S. promotes covert operations to support the oppisition. Carter eventually withdraws Salt II because of this war.
  • Signing of INF Treaty

    Signing of INF Treaty
    Regan and Gorbachev sign the INF treaty which significantly reduced nuclear arsenals. This was one of the last stages in the Cold war.
  • Official Dissolution of USSR

    Official Dissolution of USSR
    This date marks the official Dissolution of the USSR. While political diferences still exist between the two powers, this marks a basic end the the Cold War.