Cold War

  • House of Un-America Activities Committee (HUAC)

    House of Un-America Activities Committee (HUAC)
    This event decreased tensions occurring in America. This gave Americans a sense of security, because they believed that communist would be removed from America.
  • GI Bill

    GI Bill
    This created benefits for the Veterans. This encouraged education and low housing. This made Veterans feel the respect that they deserved for serving in the war. This is why it is a good benefit towards America.
  • Brinkmanship

    This created more tensions in America and Russia. We were pushing Russia into war hoping that they would back down at the last minute. This turned out to work but it was very stressful throughout the whole time period
  • National Security Act of 1947

    National Security Act of 1947
    This decreased tensions for us. This was a program that took care of information that was occurring outside of America. This gave us a sense of safety because we had a more information about what was going on internationally than we did before.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    This created a huge tension. America were supporting countries not to go communist. The Soviet Union was extremely upset that America was encouraging this and they wanted an end it.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    This could have greatly increased tensions for both America and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union could have knocked down our plane and caused a war to begin. This was "Leave us alone, or go to war" type of scenario.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This had a negative tension. There was pretty much no gains or loss of this battle because it pretty much ended in a stale mate. They were battling back and forth, so there is a more negative impact. We wasted supplies, but controlled the spread of communism, barely
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This created tension because it was a group of communist coming together. That is like putting a bunch of murderers together and you see them whispering about something as they keep looking back at you. It is not a very good feeling, in fact it is quite sketchy if I have to be honest. There was a negative tension occurring in America because we were fearful of what was going on in the Warsaw Pact.
  • Interstate Highway Act

    Interstate Highway Act
    This was an event that had a positive affect on America. It allowed us to travel throughout America much faster, in-case of a scenario were we needed to evacuate fast. Allowing people to commute faster meant that people could live farther away from the cities, and live a life the way that they needed to. Also it is supposedly a war strategy as well.
  • Eisenhower Doctrince

    Eisenhower Doctrince
    This created tensions for the Soviet Union. We were trying to end communism. This was a form of containment, and it could have really ticked off Russia. It had a good impact on America though because we were no longer as fearful for the spread of Communism because Americans knew that we were trying to prevent the spread of Communism
  • Sputnik

    This created tensions in America but had a huge impact on education. Since America was embarrassed that Russia beat us to Space, America decided to up its education. So negative tensions, but good impact.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    This was an increase on tensions. America was caught spying on Russia. We later than declined the whole incident and claimed we never spied on the Soviet Union. This could have ended badly by Russia declaring war against us.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    This ended up being a failed mission for the US. We actually carried out this mission because of the tensions that were occurring. Cuba was becoming a communist country which then made America worried that Communism was going to spread to us. We were fearful of Cuba and tried to attack to stop anything from happening.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    This created tensions in America because it was a symbol of communism. We controlled a portion of Berlin and the Soviet Union was not allowing us to have access to it. Because of the Berlin Wall, the Berlin Airlift was created, which caused many tensions, because there was a very high risk of war beginning at any moment.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was probably the event that caused the most amount of tension. Russia was give missile's to a country that is only 90 miles away from us. Also Cuba is becoming a communist country. This doesn't seem like a very good mixture. You are going to get the same result of mixing bleach and Windex together, nothing good comes out of it but destruction.