Cold War

By SakariD
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Soviets blocked off all entry points for Berlin so they couldn't receive supplies. The U.S. and U.K. took this as a challenge and went the only path that was impossible to block off, the air. They would drop supplies from a plane in Berlin for them to get. This became the biggest resupply in history. on May 11th 1949 The Soviets finally the blockade down so they could get more supplies.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    NATO was created to keep world peace. It was started by the U.S. Canada and some western European countries that were against the USSR. This created a union between these countries. If one country that is a part of NATO get attacked then all of the other countries will fight back as well. Eventually 30 countries became apart of this.
  • Creation of the Warsaw pact

    Creation of the Warsaw pact
    Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary Poland and Romania all created a pact. the Purpose of this pact was to even out power from the start of NATO. This pact caused them all to have more strength. The pact was called the Warsaw pact because it was actually signed in Warsaw Germany. The pact eventually got dissolved in 1991 because Germany reunited.
  • Sputnik

    The first manmade satellite made by the soviets made it to space before the U.S.. The Soviets had failed 4 times before it actually was launched. Because of the race and aggression it brought on people started to think that it was a military attack. The U.S. president at that time Eisenhower had to address this issue so people would calm down.
  • Construction of the Berlin wall

    Construction of the Berlin wall
    The Berlin wall was constructed to keep the
    western Germans out of the East. After world war 2 Germany was split up and was controlled by other outside countries. While the wall was under construction no immigrants could get in or out. The wall eventually fell in November of 1989.
  • Cuban missel crisis

    Cuban missel crisis
    The United States tried to overthrow the dictator of Cuba, Castro. There was a missile launched in Cristobal Cuba because of the over throwing. The soviet union put more missiles in Cuba to help stop further attacks on Cuba. The U.S. stopped all weapons that they made from going to Cuba.
  • Moon landing

    Moon landing
    The U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrong made it to the moon before the Soviets. This meant that the U.S. had won the race. The soviets had still continued to research even though it was over and they kept denying it. After that they started to claim that they never actually planned to reach the moon just to continue with satellites.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    The U.S. was in a space race with the soviet union. The U.S. finally landed on the moon first which ment they won. The loss was very hard on the soviets, they denied that they had loss and that they even had a plan to go to space in the first place.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was against North and south Vietnam and the United States. The war started with Vietnam wanting to be free from France. General William Westmorland's main goal was to kill as many enemy troops as possible from the opposing side. Northern Vietnam won this war because they unified the country.
  • Destruction of the Berlin Wall

    Destruction of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was built originally to keep the east Germans out of the west. This wall had guards everywhere and was very secure. The wall was almost 27 miles long. It fell after a wile because there were so many people who were against it.