Cold War Developments

  • Yalta Conference

    Cold War begins
  • Period: to

    The End of the Soviet Union - The Cold War ends

  • United States first used the Atomic bomb

  • Japanese surrender - The end of World War II

  • Winston Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" speech

  • The Marshall Plan is announced

  • Communist takeover in Czechoslovakia

  • Berlin blockade begins

  • Mao Zedong, a communist dictator takes control in China

  • Soviets explode first atomic bomb

  • Joe McCarthy begins Communist witch hunt

  • Korean War begins

  • John F. Kennedy elected as president of the USA

  • End of the Korean War

  • CIA helps to overthrow unfriendly governments in Iran and Guatemala

  • Vietnam split at 17th parallel

  • Warsaw Pact formed

  • Soviet forces invade Budapest to put down anti communist rebellion

  • Suez Canal conflict - Egypt claims ownership

  • Sputnik launched into orbit

  • Khrushchev demands withdrawl of troops from Berlin

  • Cuba taken over by communist leader Fidel Castro

  • Khrushchev visits the USA

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba

  • The border between East and West Berlin closed

  • Construction of the Berlin Wall begins

  • President Kennedy assasinated in Dallas

  • Announcement of dispatching of 150,000 troops to Vietnam

  • Soviet troops crush Czechoslovakian revolt

  • Apollo 11 lands on the Moon

  • President Nixon extends Vietnam war to Cambodia

  • SALT I Agreement signed

  • End of the Vietnam War

  • Egypt and Syria attack Israel

  • President Nixon resigns

  • SALT II Agreeement signed

  • Shah of Iran overthrown

  • President Reagan proposes Strategic Defense Initiative

  • Mikhail Gorbachev ascends to power in the Soviet Union

  • Reagan and Gorbachev remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe

  • Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan

  • Hungary and Poland become independent

  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • Communist regimes fall in Romania, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria

  • Germany reunited

  • Warsaw Pact ends