President Nixon visits China
president Richard Nixon went to china to improve relations between china and the us -
SALT Talks
meetings to help relations between USSR and america -
less government control in economics -
Polish Solidarity Movement
non violent anti communism movement -
Strategic Defense Initiative
defense against Russian missiles under president regan -
INF Treaty
limiting nuclear weapons -
Berlin Wall Falls
taking down the Berlin wall to connect east and west berlin -
Democratization of Eastern European Communist Bloc nations
alliance of nations west of germany -
meeting to reduce strategic arms witch in turn would help relations -
German Reunites
east and west Germany unites for the first time in years -
openness in government -
easing of hostility or strained relations -
Period: to
Coup against Mikhail Gorbachev
president of USSR signaled lost of his power -
Commonwealth of Independent States is created
9 out of the 15 Russian states with drew from russia -
Boris yeltsin
Russian president helped to end the communist in Russia and helped make them become a democracy