Korean war
North Korea was a government by communist supported by the soviet union. -
Truman Doctrine
In 1947 president truman puts down communiest revolts. -
Marshal plan
Stalin angrily rejected the Maeshal plan. He sawhe saw it was a plot to weaken soviet in fluence. -
Marshall Plan
The marshall plan provided more than $12 billion in aid to western europe countries. -
Period: to
Cold War.
Berlin blockade
Truman decided to set up a huge airlift day by day. Planes flew in for food and fuel. -
The United States made it clear that it wiuld help to defend the nations of western Europe. -
Red scare
McCarthy announced he had a list of 57 stae department emplloyees who were communist. -
Warsaw Pact
In 1955, the soviet union formed its own military allince called the warsaw pact. -
Communist take control of China
Winston churchill made it clear that it would help to defend the nations of western Europe. -
Fall of communism
Soviet tanks had helped crush a revolt in hungary -
In 1957, a soviet rocked launched sputnik. -
In respomse to launching sputnik the goverment created nasa. -
Bay of pigs
Eisenhower approved a secret plan to train an army of cuban exiles to invade cuba. -
Gary Powers was shot down while flying a u-2 spy plane across soviet boarder. -
Berlin wall bulit
East german soliders began bulding a wall of cncrete and babred wire all across berlin. -
Cuban missle crises
Soviets were secretly bulding missle bases on the island. -
Salt 1/Salt 2
They signed a treaty agreeing to limit the nuber of nuclear war heads -
Star wars
His program included research on weapons that he hoped could shoot down soviet missles from space. -
a policey of speaking out hnestly and openly