cold war
germany divied allies split germany into 4 zone ruled by us,ur,ussr, and France -
cold war
UN created united nation was started as internatoinal org. to provent wars -
cold war
us droped 2 atomic bombs on japan, beginning of the nuclear age -
cold war
incompatibility of communsm and capitalism triggered the cold war -
cold war
churchhill coined the term "iron curtain" to discribe the boundary separating communit Eatern Europe form capitalist Western Europe -
cold war
Truman Doctrine annonced, us policy of giving economic and millitary aid to free nations -
cold war
the marshall plan was annouced by sertary of state Grouge marshall -
cold war
congress appeoved the $12.5 billion marshall olan after commimists took over czechoslovakia the year -
cold war
the western allies planned to begain circulation of a new chrence in their zones of gremmany -
cold war
the western allies begain the berlin airlift food and supilies into western berlin for the city -
cold war
US and USSR began using spiers propayanda dislomany and seret operations to outmanever one another -
cold war
us joined with10 western europeannations and canada to form the north atlantic tready organizaton a defsive military alliece -
cold war
USSR admitted defeat by lifting the blockade -
cold war
the ussr tested its first atomic bomb -
cold war
us dveluped h-bomb -
cold war
ussr developed H-bomb -
cold war
west germany was admitted to nato, resurrecting soviet fears of strong germany -
cold war
ussr found it own alliance including eastern europe and eastern germany