Period: to
Yalta conference
Period: to
Period: to
Potsdam conference
Hiroshima bombing
This bombing and Nagasaki made japan kinda back off in the war. -
Bombing of Nagasaki
This Bombing and Hiroshima made Japan kinda retreat/take themselves out of the war. In japan -
Molotov plan
Brussels Treaty
Marshall Plan
Period: to
Berlin Block aid
Truman Doctrine
Soviet Creation of Nuclear weapons
Period: to
Korean War
Period: to
Fidel Castro taking over
Stalin’s Death
Some People celebrated some people mourned. Stalins Death. Died in Russia -
Warsaw pact
Period: to
Vietnam War
Period: to
Hungarian Revolution
Period: to
Bay of pigs
Period: to
End of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Nuclear Arms Treaty
Nobody could trade nuclear weapons so some countries didn't have an advantage over others/ they wouldn't team up? -
Period: to
Afghanistan/soviet war
Solidarity in Poland
Berlin wall Falling
people celebrated in Berlin and they could finally pass through and not get shot. -
Period: to
Czechoslovakia revolution
End of the Cold War
everybody that was involved in the cold war it was in 1991, in russia is where the cold war took place it ended so everybody kinda was gone.