Cold War: Cuba

  • Attack on Moncada Barracks

    Fidel Castro leads an armed attack on Moncada Barracks, though he is unsuccessful; widely regarded as the beginning of the Cuban Revolution (26th of July Movement)
  • Fidel Castro sworn in as PM of Cuba

    Fidel Castro is sworn in as PM having lead the successful guerrilla campaign to overthrow the right-wing Fulgencio Batista, forming the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere
  • Soviet-Cuban relations begin

    The Soviet Union announces an enourmous annual import (1 million tons) of Cuban sugar (to boost its economy); also, a $100 million credit to be used for equipment, machinery, materials and technical assistance over the next five years. Russia appealed to Cuba... Khrushchev was once quoted as saying: "Support by United States rulers is rather in the nature of the support that the rope gives to a hanged man."
  • Period: to

    Operation Peter Pan

    The largest mass-exodus of unaccompanied minors in the Western Hemisphere, which took place over the course of two years; over 14,000 youths were sent by their parents to the United States to be educated in their system; publicity was restricted so as not to present themselves as an anti-Castro movement
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    A group of Cuban exiles from Nicaragua attempted an invasion of the Bay of Pigs (southern Cuba); it proved to be disastrous; undetected coral reefs sank several incoming ships, paratroopers landed in the wrong places, and the invaders were vastly outnumbered
  • First US sighting of Soviet nuclear missiles

    A U-2 bomber on a reconnaissance flight over Cuba sights a military base with Soviet nuclear missiles stationed there; this marked the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    A game of intimidation ad paranoia between the USSR and USA, resulting in the imminent threat of nuclear war, although the issue was resolved hastily and diplomatically
  • USA quarantines Cuba

    President Kennedy instates a naval “quarantine” of Cuba, being careful not to imply that war has been declared
  • President Kennedy's Speech on Cuba

    JFK gives a speech addressing the United States, regarding the imminent threat developing in Cuba (the stationing of Soviet nuclear missiles); he also sends a letter to Khrushchev demanding the USSR retract their weapons immediately, and condemning their recklessness
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: a solution is devised

    Khrushchev orders the retraction of missiles in Cuba, on the proviso that JFK pledges not to invade Cuba and to remove missiles stationed in Turkey
  • Camarioca "Freedom Flights"

    Fidel Castro officially permits Cubans to emigrate to the USA if they should wish to do so, from the port of Camarioca (by plane and boat)
  • Dissolution of Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union is dissolved, sending shock waves throughout the communist world, manifesting in an economic crisis in Cuba