Cold War

  • Winston Churchill warns of the descent of an Iron Curtain in Europe

    Winston Churchill warns of the descent of an Iron Curtain in Europe
  • Founding of the state of israel

    Founding of the state of israel
  • US starts the Berlin Airlift to Aid Berliners

    US starts the Berlin Airlift to Aid Berliners
  • NATO formed to block Russia

    NATO formed to block Russia
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
  • United Nations forces land at Inch'on

    United Nations forces land at Inch'on
  • Chinese Soldiers Capture Seoul

    Chinese Soldiers Capture Seoul
  • Julius & Ethel Rosenberg convicted of espionage against the US

    Julius & Ethel Rosenberg convicted of espionage against the US
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president of the US

    Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president of the US
  • Armistice ends the Korean War

    Armistice ends the Korean War
  • In the Case, "Brown v. Board of Education", Marshall declares racial segregation of schools illegal

    In the Case, "Brown v. Board of Education", Marshall declares racial segregation of schools illegal
  • Waraw Pact formed to counter NATO

    Waraw Pact formed to counter NATO
  • Israel attacks Egypt sparking the Suez Canal crisis

    Israel attacks Egypt sparking the Suez Canal crisis
  • The "Little Rock Nine" finally enter Central High School

    The "Little Rock Nine" finally enter Central High School
  • Sputnik satellite launched

    Sputnik satellite launched
  • Russia builds the Berlin Wall

    Russia builds the Berlin Wall