cold war

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    What: It was the first time The Big Three ( Britain,US and USSR) had a meeting or met each other.
    What effect it had on cold war: This is where it begins because it created tension over European issues.
    Where: Russian resort town in Crimea.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: Germany divided into four zones which takes away freedom of people in Germany. They are forced to join in military.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    What: The second meeting of The Big Three.
    Where: Potsdam Germany
    What effect it had cold war: Many see this meeting as the start of the cold war because they confirmed that US released the first atomic bomb.
    what effect it had on Liberalism: When the big three split Germany into four, they took away their liberalism by taking away their land and territories. They said that they are going to liberated the countries but instead, they turned it to communist country.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    What: The US donated atomic bomb in two nuclear weapon over cities in Japan which is Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    Where: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan
    What effect it had on cold war: The power of the two atomic bombs triggered two superpower countries that leads to confrontation.
    What effect it had on liberalism: These two bombing killed people about 129,000 and 226,000 people and most of them are civilians.
  • Soviet creation of nuclear weapon

    Soviet creation of nuclear weapon
    What: Soviets exploded its own atomic bomb and they successfully their atomic bomb.
    Where: Los Arzamas
    What effect it had on cold war: Soviet Union exploded an atomic bomb and the arms race began.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: Many people are living in fear because they know that it can affect their safety.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    What: A doctrine that is created by Truman to support anti-communist forces. This will help other countries that is threatened by communism.
    Where: Greece and Turkey
    What effect it had on cold war: It become the American cold war policy.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: It gives people from other countries supports to fight for their freedom.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    What: It was the same as the truman doctrine but it was announced by the US secretary. He offered 13 Million dollar to help European countries to help them recover from the war which is way bigger than the truman doctrine.
    Where: Harvard University
    What effect it had on cold war: They started to take over other country with money by using these plans.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: It was an act to promote world peace, basically gives hope for the european countries.
  • Molotov Plan

    What: It was system created by Soviet Union, the same thing as the Marshall plan but for communist countries.
    Where: It happens in communist and capitalists countries.
    What effect it had on Cold war: Allowed European countries to stop relying on the Americans and allow Molotov Plan. This indicates the cold war intensifying friction between US and Russia.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: There's a competition between capitalist and capitalist country which also affect people's freedom..
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    What: Fought between South Korea and North Korea it was the major conflict of korea because Soviet Union supported North Korea while US supported South korea.
    Where: Korea
    What effect it had on cold war:It was the first time United States and the Soviet Union, had fought a 'proxy war ' in a third country.
    What effect it had on liberalism: Korea divided into two, citizen who stuck in the South are the lucky ones. While those who are in the North turned communist.
  • The Brussels Treaty

    The Brussels Treaty
    What: Agreement signed by Britain, France, Luxembourg, and Netherlands to make a collective defense alliance. Its goal is to show western European could cooperate and convince the US to manage their security.
    Where: Brussels
    What effect it has on cold war: It led to the creation of NATO as well as Western European Union.
    What effect it had on Liberalism:
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    What: Crisis of the cold war, Soviets cut the rail routes, electricity, foo, coal and other important supplies of 2.5 million people.
    Where: West Berlin
    What effect it had on cold war: It become a crisis and lots of people are desperate and it stopped the unification of Germany under Pro-American government.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: People starved to death, mass starvation and most of them took away their important needs like foods, electricity coals to provide heats to their homes.
  • Period: to


    What: Guarantee freedom and security to their members through political and military means.
    Where: Brussels, Belgium
    What effect it had on cold war: NATO focused on it members protection and collective defence from Soviets Union's threats. When the Soviets collapsed many security threats begins to merge.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: People are given rights to have protections.
  • Death of Stalin

    Death of Stalin
    What: Stalin died because he suffer from stroke
    Where: Kuntsevo Dacha
    What effect it had on cold war: Stalin's death led to a temporary thaw in cold war tension. Austria became independent, neutral nation after withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country.
    What effect it had on liberalism: Totalitarian controls were gradually relaxed but never totally removed. Those are the prison camps, secret police, great purges, collectivization etc.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    What: Conflict that resulted in the creation of North Vietnam's communist governments and its allies in South Vietnam.
    Where: Vietnam
    What effect it had on cold war: US got involved and they started sending weapons. N. Vietnam didn't want war because they chose to be communist. it is diversely called "Viet Cong" which means Vietnamese Communist.
    What effect it had on liberalism: Arrested 100k people, a lot of them were brutally tortured or executed.
  • Period: to

    Warsaw Pact

    What: A defense military organization or armed forces commanded by the Soviets.
    Where: Poland
    What effect it had on cold war: Hungary tried to remove Warsaw pact , Soviets troops attacked and remove Hungarian's people republic government.
    What effect it had on liberalism: Soviets threatened socialist and rejected socialists rule. Also no country that is under Soviets could leave Warsaw pact or disturb a communist rule.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    What: Revolution against the Hungarian People's Republic against Soviet-imposed Policies.
    Where: Hungarian People's Republic
    What effect it had on cold war: The rebellion in hungary exposed the weaknesses of the Eastern European Communism. A resistance begun and they put in a new government.
    What effect it had on liberalism: Lots of people died in the revolution, the Soviets won and put in a new communist party.
  • Czechoslovakia Revolution

    Czechoslovakia Revolution
    What: Soviet Union led Warsaw pact troops in an invasion Czechoslovakia.
    Where: Czechoslovakia
    What effect it had on cold war: The Warsaw pact invaded and Soviets got angry.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: Alex Dubcek came into power and begun liberalization and because Soviets don't like it they got angry.
  • Period: to


    What: It's a pact that's made during the height of the cold war. It was commanded by the air forces of Canada and US.
    Where: Colorado springs.
    What effect it had on cold war: Other countries also flagged a threat that there will be possible attack which they will also use the same
    weaponry or missiles.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: It rejected the principle of Liberalism because people will be scare. Any time other country can attack each other. Which will affect the citizen's safety.
  • Fidel Castro taking over

    Fidel Castro taking over
    What: Fidel Castro took over cuba, he aligned with the Soviets Union.
    Where: Cuba
    What effect it had on cold war: He allowed Soviets Union to place nuclear bombs in cuba which was the cause of Cuban missile crisis
    What effect it had on liberalism: He rejected all principle of liberalism because he declared himself as a Marxist-Leninist.
  • Creation of Berlin Wall

    Creation of Berlin Wall
    What: Barrier that divides people in Berlin. Created by Soviets to prevent people from escaping.
    Where: Berlin
    What effect it had on cold war: It separate the east and west Berlin which symbolize the Iron curtain of democratic western countries and communist countries.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: People's property, freedom are taken away because of this wall as well as rights of people to choose a different place to live. If they did, even their lives can be taken away.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    What: The biggest failure of CIA. It is a failed invasion landing operation in south coast of Cuba.
    Where: Bay of Pigs, Cuba
    What effect it had on the cold war: CIA trained Cuban refugees and tried to bring down the communist government of Fidel Castro that led to revolution.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: Cuban exiles invaded at the Bay of pigs were all killed or taken as prisoners.
  • End of the Cuban Missile Crisis

    End of the Cuban Missile Crisis
    What: The most famous example of Brinkmanship where every country will flex their nuclear weapons to threatened each other.
    Where: Cuba
    What effect it had on cold war: This is the time where Soviets missiles removed from Cuba.
    What effect it had on liberalism: Soviets agreed to removed their IL-28 bombers from cuba and US ended its quarantine.
  • Afghanistan War

    Afghanistan War
    What: War between Mujahideen and Soviets who supported Afghanistan government.
    Where: Afghanistan
    What effect it had on cold war: US supported Afghanistan rebels and Soviets took the Afghanistan government side. USSR helped marxist afghanistan government against Mujahideen.
    What effect it had on liberalism: The Afghanistan government effect liberalism by rejecting religion of the Mujahideen.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Solidarity in Poland
    What: A first independent Trade Union in a Warsaw pact country to be recognized by the state.
    Where: Poland
    What effect it had on cold war: Soviets gets angry again, the communist had to negotiate with them because this is strong. This led to election. Also led to a huge Anti-Soviet movement.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: Solidarity gave rise to a non-violent, anti communist social movement.
  • Berlin wall falling

    Berlin wall falling
    what: it was falling in the wall diving the east and west germany
    what effect it had: it was the signaling of the end of the iron curtain.
    where: Berlin
    what effect it had on liberalism: When berlin wall fell Liberalism expanded into East Germany for the first time in many years.
  • End of The Cold War

    End of The Cold War
    What: Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev became friends and the cold war officially ended.
    Where: Eastern Europe
    What effect it had on cold war: The Iron curtain between two superpower countries lifted and the cold war came to an end.
    What effect it had on Liberalism: Berlin wall came down , the borders are open, and free election are ousted communist regime everywhere.