Cold War

  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Russia wanted Berlin for themselves, so they closed all highways, railroads, and canals. They believed it would make it impossible for people that lived there to get any food or supplies, and it would drive America, Britain and France out. The U.S. decided to bring supplies and food from the air. This time, known as the Berlin Airlift, lasted more than a year.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of  NATO
    NATO was a military alliance formed between 26 nations to enforce the north atlantic treaty of 1949. NATO was originally formed to keep communism from spreading.
  • Korean War

    The war was between North korea and South Korea. The united states helped south korea. The soviet union and china helped north korea.No true winner they just decided to stay divided. Ended July 27,1953
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of  Warsaw Pact
    This was a collective defense treaty signed in Warsaw by the Soviet Union and seven Soviet satellite states of Central and Eastern Europe.
  • Vietnam War

    The conflict was between north vietnam and south vietnam. And the united states was a principal ally. The war was very expensive. More than 3 million people were killed during this war. Ended April 30, 1975
  • Sputnik

    On this date the Soviet Union launched sputnik 1 which was an artificial satellite. It was about the size of a beach ball.
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    Construction of Berlin Wall
    The communist government of the german democratic republic began to build a barbed wire wall. The wall was made of concrete. Its main purpose was to keep out western “fascist” from entering east germany.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile  Crisis
    This was a confrontation between the united states and the soviet union. The two superpowers came close to nuclear conflict.
  • Moon landing

    Moon landing
    Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the moon. Neil armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were he first men on the moon.
  • Destruction of Berlin Wall

    Destruction of  Berlin Wall
    The east and west Berlin communist party attacked the wall. They flocked the wall while drunk and chanted “for auf!”