Cold War

By miles7
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta conference was a conference between “the big 3”. They agreed to govern Germany jointly. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of geography because they split up Germany into different sections. This furthered the Cold War because the part of Germany controlled by the USSR became communist
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    A proposed plan to rebuild Europe after it was destroyed during WWII. The U.S. sent nearly $13 billion to Europe to help rebuild. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of economic because the U.S. economy was good enough to spare $13 billion. This furthered the cold war because the soviet union responded with comecon.
  • Beginnings of the Berlin Airlift

    Beginnings of the Berlin Airlift
    The communist part of Berlin cut off the rest of Berlin from food and materials so the U.S. and Britain flew planes to deliver supplies. The effort was successful because they fed people in Berlin and eventually the ban was lifted. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of social because people of either side of the wall couldn’t interact. This furthered the Cold War because eventually the democratic side of Berlin had access to food again.
  • NATO Formed

    NATO Formed
    NATO formed as a group of democratic nations that pledged to protect each other if they were ever attacked. It stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It relates to the GASPIRE theme of political because they agreed to form together for political reasons. This further the Cold War because it helped establish sides.
  • North Korea Passes the 38th Parallel

    North Korea Passes the 38th Parallel
    North Korea hoped to unite all of Korea as a communist nation. The U.S. came to the aid of South Korea, while China and the USSR gave aid to the North. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of political because the north was trying to spread communism. This furthered the war because communism did not spread to the south.
  • Warsaw pact Formed

    Warsaw pact Formed
    The Warsaw pact was a soviet-led war alliance. All 7 European “satellites” joined. Attempting to leave would be seen as disloyal. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of intellectual because forming the alliance was a strategic move. This furthered the war because it helped establish sides.
  • Castro Overthrows Cuban Government

    Castro Overthrows Cuban Government
    Nationalists, led by Castro overthrew a government that they believed to be corrupt. Castro instated a totalitarian regime with the help of USSR. This relates to the theme artistic and religion because totalitarian leaders often censor art and religion. This furthered the war because there was another communist country
  • Berlin Wall Contructed

    Berlin Wall Contructed
    The Berlin Wall was a wall that divided communist Berlin from democratic Berlin for more than 25 years. The Berlin Wall was a major point of conflict during the Cold War. This relates to the theme of political because the opposite sides of the wall had opposing political views. My mom said that this was a massive point of contention. This furthered the Cold War because NATO and the Warsaw pact both wanted the other side of the wall to convert.
  • First Man in Sapce

    First Man in Sapce
    The USSR sent Yuri Gagarin to space. Yuri was a the very first person is space and the USSR was very proud. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of intellectual because it took a lot of smart people to send him to space.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The USSR sent Cuba some missiles which angered the US. The US blockaded Cuba and all of the missiles were eventually destroyed. This relates to the theme political because it would have been a bad political move to fire the missiles. This furthered the war because tensions were very high.
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    The US was the first country to send someone to the moon. While we weren’t the first into space, we were the first on the moon which effectively won us the space race. This relates to the theme of intellectual because you have to be very smart to go to the moon. This furthered the war because the US won the space race.
  • US beat at the Olympics

    US beat at the Olympics
    The US barely lost basketball in the Olympics. This made tensions very high between the US and USSR. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of social because sports events are very social. This escalated the Cold War because tensions rose.
  • US Beats the USSR

    US Beats the USSR
    The US beat the USSR in hockey, even though the odds were stacked against them. It made the US feel very proud. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of social because sports are a social event. In an interview, my mom stated that “the US beating the USSR was a really big deal, we were the under dogs and they were like machines, it was really cool that we beat them.” This furthered the Cold War because it escalated tensions.
  • Berlin War Torn Down

    Berlin War Torn Down
    The Berlin wall was torn down. The wall coming down was symbolic of the fall of communism. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of geographic because it opened up Berlin. My mom said that “it felt like democracy was winning” when it came down. This furthered the war because the war was coming to a close.
  • End of the Soviet Union

    End of the Soviet Union
    When the USSR ended, it was a major event that changed the entire world. Many nations became independent and Russia had new leaders. It marked a shift in political views. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of political because many political views changed. My mom felt happy for all the countries that were now free. This ended the Cold War.
  • Modern Event

    Modern Event
    Recently, Russia has been accused of interfering with the US presidential election. This shows that the US and Russia might still have some conflict and their viewpoints still might not align. This relates to the GASPIRE theme of political because the election was political.