Cold War

  • March 1946

    USSR taking control of Easturn Europe
    Used term iron curtain to decibe the boundary separating East Europe and West Europe.
  • March 1947

    US Poclicy
    giving economic and military ad to free nations threated by internal or external opponents
  • 1946

    Easturn Europe
    Stalin openly declared the incompatibitlity of communism and capitalism , triggering the cold war.
  • June 1945

    Untied Nations created
    Unitled Nations stored as international organizeation to wars.
  • June 1947

    US program
    Assistance to help European countries rebuils after the war
  • June 1948

    Western allies
    Being circulation of a new curreny in their zones of germany.
  • August 1945

    Atomic bomb
    Us dropped atomic bomb on Japan
  • 1945

    1945 germany dived.
    Alli split germany into 4 zones each ruled by US, UK, USSR, and France
  • August 1949

    August 1949
    Tested first atimic bomb
  • 1954

    West germany was admitted NATO
  • April 1949

    April 1949
    Joined with 10 western European nations and Canada to form tbe North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A defensive military alliance.
  • 1953

    Developed H-bomb
  • 1948

    Congress approved the 12.5 billion plan only after they took over
  • 1949

    US & USSR
    Began using spies, propaganda, diplomacy, and sceret operations to out maneuver one another
  • May 1949

    May 1949
    Admitted defeat by lifting the blockade
  • 1952

    US developed h-bomb
  • May 1960

    Spy olane was shot down over USSR
  • August 1961

    Berlin wall
    Soviets created the Berlin wall to separate communist.
  • October 1957

    October 1957
    Soviets used an ICBM to launch the first satellite into space
  • US 1958

    First satellite
  • May 1955

    Form its own alliances
  • August 1957

    Developed an intercontinental ballistic missile