Pre-Cold War
With Japan pro-longing the war against the U.S.A, America felt it necessary to put their Manhattan Project into action. Even with the knowledge that the Axis did not have nuclear bombs, the Allies felt theirs would be a waste of money if they did not use it. This use of the first nuclear bomb would spawn nuclear programs in other countries such as Russia. -
The Cold War Begins
The Trumen Doctrine is signed for the help of countries being taken over by communist rule. At the same time the former U.S.S.R, Russia, was doing just this to countries like Ukraine & Georgia. -
During the month of September the U.S.S.R. program Cominform was formed. This program was used in the creation of the Eastern Bloc which was the collection of U.S.S.R. puppeted countries. -
The Berlin Blockade
With the splitting of germany and Berlin among the world superpowers, Russia began to construct a blockade between west and east Berlin. This blockade would help aid the separation of the communists and the democrats. -
Korean War
After WWII, America thought it best for the reforming countries to avoid communism whatsoever. Although, Korea was torn between the North wanting communism for the country, and the South wanting a Democratic government. America helped set this up in Korea, and had elections for the new leader, which led to the revolt of the North. Russia backed up the North, and America backed up the South. -
Death of Stalin
With the death of the communist leader Joesph Stalin, the U.S.S.R. had a set back on what they were to do next, so they withdrew from the Korean War. -
Hungarian Revolution
In hopes of becoming a Republic, Hungary wanted freedom from the U.S.S.R. The people of Hungary made a declartion, but was later subdued by the Russian forces. -
Space Race
Beginning in 1957 and ending in 1969, the space race was a power challenge between the U.S.S.R. and America. The challenge was to be the first one to space, and then became a race to get to the moon first, in which was a U.S. victory. -
Berlin Wall
The formation of the Berlin Wall was an expansion of the Berlin Blockade, and was meant to keep Eastern Berliners out of West Berlin. -
J.F.K. Assassination
The assassination of J.F.K. was a big deal for peace with Russia. J.F.K. was an advocate for world peace, and wanted no part of any war with Russia, therefore making set backs in the foreign policies that he had set. -
Four Power Agreement
The four power agreement was an agreement between Britain, Russia, the U.S, and France. This would reconfirm the right and responsibilities of the people in Berlin. -
The invasion on Afghanistan by the U.S.S.R. -
Election of Gobachov
The election of Mikhail Gobachov was step closer to the end of communsim in Russia because Gobachov saw the economic downsides to communism. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall and of the Soviet Union
The fall of the Berlin wall was because of the economic crash of the Soviet Union, and in 1991, this led to the end of communsim in Russia. Gobachov had agreed with Ronald Reagan that Russia should be a Democracy.