Period: to
Cold War
*Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference was at Cecilienhof. It was occupied in Germany. It was through July 17 to August 2, 1945. -
*Iron Curtain Descends On Europe
The Iron Curtain Descends is known as the white and black line. It also separates from the WWII. Until the Cold War was over. -
*Truman Doctrine
Truman would support Greece and Turkey witht the Economic and also Military. -
*Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan helped Europe to rebulid their Economies and supported them also, After WWII was over. -
*Creation of Israel
*Berlin Air Lift
The Berlin Air Lift helped them get food, fuel, first aid-kit for the whole city. -
*Formation of NATO
The NATO was also known as the North Alantic Alliiance. -
*Korean War
North Korea and South Korea were supported by China and also the Sovet Union. -
*Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis, also known as the Tripartite Aggression Suez Canal Crisis, Suez was the second Arab - Israel War. It was a Diplomatic & Military confrontation in the late 1956. -
*Sputnik I & Sputnik II
On October 4, 1957. The Soviet Union successfully launched the Sputnik I. The World's satellite was the size of the beach ball. It was 58 cm. and 22 inches. It weighed 183 pounds . It took about 98 mins. to orbit the Earth. -
*NASA Is Formed
NASA has become the world's premier agent for exploration. carrying on the new ocean of outer spacea long tradition of expanding the physical & mental boundaries of humanity. -
*Bay of Pigs Invasion
The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed military in Cuba. -
*Berlin Wall Constructed
Berlin Wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic, starting on 13th August 1961, that completely cut off west Berlin from surrounding East Germany & from East Berlin. -
*Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was known as the October Crisis, the missile scare in Cuba and the Caribbean Crisis in the former USSAR. -
*Iran Hostage Crisis
The Iran Hostage Crisis, known as the Persian as it was a Diplomatic Crisis between Iran & the U.S. 52 American diplomats & citizens were held hostage for 444 days. -
*U.S. & Soviet Boycotts of the Olympics
*Dissolving of the Soviet Union
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev had resigned, declaring his office extinct, and handed over the Soviet nuclear missile launching codes to Russian Presient Boris Yeltsin. The Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the las time & replaced with the Russian Tricolor. -
*Tiananmen Square Massacre
Commonly known as the June forth incidnet or more accurately "89" Democracy movement in Chinese. -
*USS Pueblo Incident
U.S.S. is an ELINT & SIGINT banner class technical research ship. which was boarded & captaured by North Korean forces on Jan. 23, 1968, in what us known as the Pueblo affair, The declassifeid SIGAD for the National Sercuity Agency.