cold war

  • postsdam confrence

    postsdam confrence
    confrence of the big three nations settling thing that happened in world war two
  • vietnan war

    vietnan war
    began in 1946 southeast and he united states were involved and this was one of the most inportant military encoounters in the cold war the war ended 1975 iwtha complete communist takeover
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    the united states and the soviet union dispute over missiles
  • The Bigging Of The Cold War

    The Bigging Of The Cold War
    Germany was divided in to forths bettween france, great britan, soviet union and the united states
  • berlin blockade

    berlin blockade
    massave transefer of supplies into berlin by britin and unites states over stallons blockade
  • berlin wall

    berlin wall
    a barrier that sepperated east and west berlin it was a thirteen foot concreat barrier. 23400 people flied to west berlin hundredes died trying to get there
  • cuban misslie crisis

    cuban misslie crisis
    wass betweeen the soviet union and the united states it was a stand of bettween the united states presidant j.f.kennedy and the soviet priemier nikita khrushchev over the soviets plan to instal nuclear missiles in cuba but the soviets backed down and did not but the misslies there
  • glasnot / perestroika

    glasnot / perestroika
    the soviet was engulfed by multitude of problems and the econonomey was the most affected
  • fall of communisum

    fall of communisum
    all 11 rebublics became indepandent states along with gieorga wich declined to join the cis