Cold War

  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    On March 5, 1946, at Westminster College, Winston Churchill gave his famous Iron Curtain Speech. The Iron Curtain seperated Europe in two.
  • Berlin Blockade Ends

    Berlin Blockade Ends
    The blockade had been broken by a massive U.S.-British airlift of vital supplies to West Berlin's two million citizens.
  • The Formation of NATO

    The Formation of NATO
    NATO stands for The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or the North Atlantic Alliance. NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty, The organization constitutes a system of collective defence where its members agree to a mutual defense in response to an attack by any other party.
  • The Berlin Blockade

    The Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was an attempt by the Soviet Union to block the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Allied control.
  • The Korean War Begins

    The Korean War Begins
    The Korean War begins with Stalin equipping North Korea with Soviet Union weapons in the invasion of South Korea.
  • Korean War Ends

    Korean War Ends
    The Korean War ends with the signing of an Armistace Agreement.
  • Berlin Wall is Built

    Berlin Wall is Built
    After failing to decide the future of Germany, the Berlin Wall is erected by the Soviets.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin incident

    The Gulf of Tonkin incident
    The U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War is precipitated by the Gulf of Tonking incident.
  • Paris Peace Accords is signed

    Paris Peace Accords is signed
    America's involvement in the Vietnam War ends with the signing of the Paris Peace Accords.
  • Ronald Reagan is inagurated as President \

    Ronald Reagan is inagurated as President \
    One of the reasons Ronald Reagan is inagurated as president is his opposition to the ¨Concessions¨ of Détente.
  • The Strategic Defense Initiative is proposed

    The Strategic Defense Initiative is proposed
    President Reagan proposes the Strategic Defense Initiative to protect the U.S. from nuclear threats, especially against attacks from the Soviets.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev rises to power

    Mikhail Gorbachev rises to power
    Mikhail Gorbachev campaigns with ¨glasnost¨ as oppossed to ¨perestroika¨, two Soviet ideals.
  • Reagan meets with Gorbachev

    Reagan meets with Gorbachev
    For the first time, Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan meet at Geneva, Switzerland
  • the Chernobyl disaster

    the Chernobyl disaster
    In one of the worst Soviet nuclear plant accidents, Chernobyl, in the Ukraine, explodes. This came to be known as the Chernobyl disaster.
  • Destruction of the Berlin Wall

    Destruction of the Berlin Wall
    The Destruction of the Berlin Wall signified the official end to the Cold War. On this day, U.S. President Ronald Reagan called for the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, which seperated East Germany and West Germany.