Cold war

Cold war (SB)

  • Truman doctrine

    Truman doctrine
    Truman(United states presedent at the time)paid mony to stop Communism from exspanding.THe made aa program to stop communism politcaly and added nukes in Turky for war
  • Berlin blockade

    Berlin blockade
    Germany split into four areas and berlin was cut off from germany by stalin.Stalin felt like germany shouldnt be reunited and it was a threat to Russia.Salin cut off roads,train tracks and everything that leads to Berin.
  • Nato


    Nato was a pack to save(defend)western Europe from soviet threat
  • Senator Joseph McCarthy

    Senator Joseph McCarthy
    Senator Joseph Mcarthy was a senator from wisconsin.He rose to power by scaring people.He said that he new 205 communist party leader.He even set a party to hunt for communist and inspect americans o see if there american or communist.There was even a law that states to not teach desirability to not over throw the goverment.This law made it able to accuse your nabor of communism even if they arnt they would have to be inspected.This made people in america go crazy and get scared(aka red scare)
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Koreaa split into two sepatate states devited by the 38th paraellel.The states are called North and south Korea.Both have a hate for the other because the south is not communism and the north is communist.North korea goes over the 38th parallel and attacked the United States steppes in and sends military to Help South Korea .The U.S pushes North Korea past the 38th parallel.China huntes North Korea from the other side and the U.S,plus china trap North Korea.Eisenhower stops the war
  • Stalin Died

    Stalin Died
    Stalin the Russian leader Died at the age of 74.The cause of his death was by old age.Nikita Khrushchev became the leader after his death
  • Warsaw pact

    Warsaw pact
    The Soviet Union wanted a counter attack to Nato.The soviets made a treaty to defend each other with all the other communist countries.Stalin was hopping this would counter ballence with Nato and called the treaty the Warsaw pact
  • Vietnam started

    Vietnam started
    Soviets are back trying to spread communism in different countries.Vietnam is there next target.Again vietnam spilts into two this time by the 17th paraelllel.Oddly America took a allinece with South Vietnam.Russia(Soviets) took allience with North Vietnam.China even got involved and got a cople of U.S dystoyers(Boat) and torpeto boats and hunted the americans of the golf of Tokin.U.S took this oppencive and took bomber planes and took them out of the water and they made a resolution.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis /bay of pigs

    Cuban Missile Crisis /bay of pigs
    Soviet's are angry for putting nukes in Turkey that are ready to lauch at them.Mikhail Gorbachev(Leader of the soviets)wanted to balence the playing field.He secretly talked to cuba and gave them money and nukes to hide on there island and use the the USA and Cuba was becoming communist.Luckly a US spy plane spotted these nukes in Cuba.The US felt betrated by the Cubans and wanted to take back Cuba.It didnt go well the US got poned and Cuba took 1100 american prisoners.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Soviets get mad that there trying to invade Cuba and install missles on the base(side) of Cuba .The USA make a navel blockade that stops shipment to Cuba .War almost starts untill Soviets dont want blood shed and make a agreement that the USA dosnt invade Cuba and the Soviets will get rid of the nukes from Cuba
  • John F Kennedy died

    John F Kennedy died
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United states of America.He was the youngest presedent in Office.he Was alive from 1917 to 1963.He was as Assassinated in Dallas Texas from a sniper.After his death Lyndon B. Johnson became the New presedent.
  • Tet offensive

    Tet offensive
    Viet Cong was the political group in North Vietnam.Viet Cong attack meany places in south Vietnam.The Tet offensive Fought agenst Vietcong weaking its forces stopping the communist assult.
  • Salt agreement

    Salt agreement
    The USA Relized that the soviets are making Nukes for days and are getting ready for War.The USA started making Nukes nonstop.The USA Didnt want the people to freak out and made a treaty to not have a certain number of nukes at a given time.When really it didnt stop anything.Both sides were still making Nukes secretly
  • Mikhail Glasnost

    Mikhail Glasnost
    Mikhail Glasnost was the person who Told the public the Leaders were really sucky in Russia besides Lenin.He stated that Stalin was a hudge Murder.Crisis started to erupt in Russia and the truth came out to the public about everything that happened.For the first time the people wanted to know everything.
  • Communism Collapses

    Communism Collapses
    The soviets basicaly lost everything.The awesome leaders were turned into monsters on tv and newspapers.The Berlin wall had to come down to make the people happy.The people were taking control of the city.Elections were happing in Germany. Communist leaders were out of power in Germany and Germany of reunited.Ronald Reagon was presedent and made a space defence program that was supossed to stop missiles from hitting the USA and was know as star wars.