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Cold War

  • Begining of the Cold War

    Begining of the Cold War
    The Cold Wat begins right after WWII. This was a war of ideals with the US vs USSR
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Communist North Korea tries to invade democratic South Korea. The US and UN send troops to help South Korea. The North is eventually pushed and everything is back to normal, divided at the 38th parallel
  • Period: to

    Entire space race

    begining and end of space
  • Begining of Space race

    Begining of Space race
    Began when USSR sent Sputnik into space. In response, the US creates NASA. Eventually, NASA sends Neil Armstrong onto the moon
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Although the US had already "joined" the war by giving aid and war materials, they officially joined the war and snet troops on the ground in 1961.US not only had to fight troops but also natural dangers. After 11 yrs of fighting, the US pulls out of the fight and Vietnam becomes fully communist
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The USSR has missiles in Cuba and a US spy plane takes pictures of it. In fear of attack, John F. Kennedy enacts a naval blockade of Cuba and demands that the USSR removed their missiles. Peacefully resolved after 2 weeks. Closest we've ever come to nuclear war
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    People started to realize how bad communism was so they started to revolt. USSR fails econically and the people demand change.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    The Cold War ends with the fall of the Berlin Wall. The wall was a symbol for the USSR. When it fell, the USSR fell. USSR lasted 40 years