Cold War

  • Japans' Surrender Ends World War II

    After two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, Japan finally surrendered to the Americans
  • Iron Cutrain Speech

    The Iron Curtain was a imaginary line that went from the USSR side, to the countries of the West
  • Marshall Plan Annouced

    The Marshall Plan was developed by the Americans, and the plan sent aid to countries that had been harmed during World War II
  • Soviet Union takes over Czechoslovakia

  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    East Germany blocked any trucks from entering West Berlin. America sent planes to fly in to East Berlin
  • NATO formed (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

  • Korean War

    One of the bloodiest wars in history
  • Atomic Bombs (Britan)

  • Korean War Ends

  • CIA helped overthrow unfriendly regimes in Iran and Guatemala

  • Period: to

    Small Rebellions in USSR

    1.USSR sent tanks to Poland in order to suppress workers
    2. USSR sent military aid to Afghanistan
    3. Rebellion in Hungary
  • Sputnik Launched into space

  • Period: to

    Space Race

  • Sputnik II Launched- Laika, dog died in space

  • Explorer I Launched

  • Cuba taken over

    Cuba was taken over by Fidelo Castero
  • Period: to

    Berin Wall

  • Berlin borders close, Berlin Wall is constructed

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The closest time that the USSR and USA came to nuclear war
  • Apollo 11 lands on moon

    This ends the space race
  • North Vietnam conquers South Vietnam

    This ends the Vietnam war
  • President Reagan Removes Nuclear Missile From Europe

  • Poland is Independent

    Start of Decline of USSR
  • Hungary is Independent

  • Czechslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania Independent

    Decline of the Soviets
  • Germany Reunited

  • USSR falls ends Cold War