• Bomb Away (1949-1950)

    Bomb Away (1949-1950)
    The Soviet Union tests there own atomic bomb and the Arms Race begins.
  • Upheaval (1953-1956)

    Upheaval (1953-1956)
    U.S. backs a coup and overthrows the Iranian government. President Eisenhower sends aid to South Vietnam and the Soviets end an anti-communism revolution in Hungary.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962-1964)

    The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962-1964)
    The American Navy blockades Cuba after the Soviet Union places missiles in Cuba. Kennedy pulls away from Cuba in exchange for the Soviet's removal of Cuban missiles.
  • Guerilla Warfare (1973-1979)

    Guerilla Warfare (1973-1979)
    America's combat in Vietnam ends but it secretly backs a coup that overthrows the Chilean president.
  • Invasion of Grenada (1983-1985)

    Invasion of Grenada (1983-1985)
    Invasion The US. invades Grenada, overthrowing the government and replacing it with a U.S.-friendly one.