Period: to
Cold War
Atomic Bomb On Japan
USA bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaski during the war to prevent the loss of 1.5 million ally troops. First time a nuke was used in warfare. allys spent a total of 2 billion dollars to make the bomb and they wanted to show the USSR the power of their new technology. -
Gouzenko Affair
Igor Sergeievich Gouzenko a USSR spy was spying on Canadas secrets mostlikely the atomic bomb and when the president of the USSR told him that he was going to send himome for not getting enough information he told Canada about the spys. Ever since the affair he hides his face in public. -
Formation of United Nations
UN was made to be for peace keeping and helping countries form natural disasters They had 5 permanent members, USA, USSR, China, France, Britain and ten other nations for 2 year terms. -
Formation Of Nato
Known as "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" Candaian Soldiers were stationed in Europe state for readiness of of nuclear war as lst resort. All members agreed that nuclear could be used on the Soviet Union if nesessary. -
Korean War
Japan had conquered Korea and tried to make North and South Korea unite, USSR had occupied North Korea and made it communist. China decided to attack South Korea. Canada then sent 27000 troops to fight in the war. -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam war started in 1954 and ended in 1975. The war was fought between north and south Vietnam and it inclunded the Americans in the war. The Americans called it The "War Against the Americans to Save the Nation". It was estimated that 2 million civialians died and 1.1 million soldiers died over all. After the war they divided Vietnam. -
Formation Of Warsaw Pact
The purpose of the Warsaw Pact was to prostect the Sovient Union if they were attacked by Nato. -
Suez Crisis
Canada had a big part in the Suez crisis, it was the first time peace keepers were sent to Suez and Canada sent the most peacekeepers. The crisis hapened because Eygpt wants to take Suez for themselves. There was a river they used to move their stuff around goging from east to west. USA said they would attack if USSR attacked. Canada stoped the Suez crisis. -
Formation of NORAD
The formation of NORAD which stands for North American Aerospace Defense Command was made to protect Canadas north from the USSR. They set up radars and nuclear missles to be pointed at the USSR 24/7 and defences to protect Canada from incoming USSR missles. -
The Cancellation Of The Avro Arrow
The Avro Arrow was a Canadian jet that was amazing and could have verry well destroyed anything in its path but it was cancelled by the government because it was extremely expencive at 12.5 million dollar to make each jet. It Also used a lot of resources. -
Rise Of Berlin Wall
It took just 2 weeks to build the wall. With the build of the berlin wall its stoped people from going over to each side. So even family members couldn't see each other. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The USSR was planning on giving Cuba nuclear warheads which all the allys did not agree on.The allys made a blockade around Cuba so USSR counldn't deliver the warheads. Luckily USSR decided to not delviver when they were near the blockade and possibily stoped the world from being blown up by a lot of nuclear missiles. -
Salt Treaty
Known as "Strategic Arms Limitations Talks/Treaty" Had to do with the arms race where everyone was building up nuclear bombs. It also signed other treaty like the Anti Balistic Missle Treaty,. -
Strategic Defence Initiative
The intent of this program was to create a anti-ballistic missile system to stop missile attacks from other countries mostly the USSR.The program was also nickenamed star wars because of all its futuristic ideas like rail guns, laser weapons. -
Fall Of Berlin Wall
When the wall was removed citenzens flooded the west side and drank beer in celebration and helped remove the wall. -
Break up of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen separate countries.The Fall of of the Soviet union signaled the end of Cold War. USSR was defeated and the leader had steped down.