Cold War

  • Dian Bien Phu

    Dian Bien Phu
    Vietnam, along with its neighbors Laos and Cambodia in the region known as Indo-China had been a part of the South-East Asian French colonial empire for many decades prior (since 1867) to the First Vietnam War (1951-54). But with the Second World War beginning and France being distracted in Europe with the rise of Nazi Germany (1939-45) the French colonies did not have the strength to resist the Japanese invasions of South East Asia.
  • Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro
    Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on the 13th of August, 1926 in Biran, Cuba. Fidel was the third of six children, having two brothers, Raul and Ramon: and three sisters, Angela, Emma and Agustina. His father was a migrant from Spain, where he owned a sugar plantation and became a successful businessman. His father had a number of marriage breakdowns.
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    The start of the Arms race started when the Manhattan Project commenced in 1939 when America decided to make the first Nuclear Weapon. Although lead by America it was supported by the United Kingdom and Canada. The detonation of the first Bomb was at the Trinity test site in New Mexico and this test confirmed that this was the most dangerous weapon in the world.
  • Containment Policy

    Containment Policy
    The containment policy started with the diplomat George Keenan who sort a way to stifle the communist expansion throughout the east of Europe. This was so because on March 12th 1947 there was a soviet threat faced Turkey and Greece to which Truman retaliated with the Truman doctrine stating that the United States will commit itself to the free worls against totalitarian dictatorships.
  • The Hungarian Uprising

    The Hungarian Uprising
    Following the fall of Germany in World War 2, the Hungarian people were ruled over by the iron rod of Communist Russia. They were subjected to many violations of trust and human rights and suffered from Poverty, strict Soviet ruling, censorship and banishment of religious practices. They were ripped from their liberties and in retaliation the Hungarian people rose up in revolt to challenge the Communist leaders of its country in 1956.
  • Espionage 1

    Espionage 1
    In July 1957, the U.S President of the time, Dwight D. Eisenhower created a covert intelligent base in Pakistan that would enable U-2 spy planes to fly over USSR military territory for surveillance. The aim of these fly over missions was to establish how powerful the Soviets nuclear weapons were. It was largely known that the Soviets believed they had state of the art nuclear weapons, however, there was no evidence to prove this.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was a wall in which divided Germany into East Germany and West Germany and it was constructed by the German Democratic Republic. the wall was built because the German people of the East were running away tot he West because it was much better for them to live because the the United States were flying over supplies as known as the marshal plan. while in the East people were starving and were suffering from the communism regime that Russian had in East Germany.
  • Checkpoint Charlie

    Checkpoint Charlie
    Checkpoint Charlie was a checkpoint in which its main intention was to seperate West Berlin and East Berlin. East Berlin was controlled by the Russians and the West was controlled but the Americans. As both sides of the wall was very heavily guarded, the two superpowers needed a place in which they could meet, as well as allowing foreigners and officials over the border.