Creation of the UN
United Nations; Organization which mimicked the League of Nations but was actually successful- still exists today -
Truman Doctrine
"It must be the policy of the United States to support peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." -
Marshall Plan
Provided $13 billion dollars to rebuild war-torn Europe -
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Berlin Blockade
Soviet Union attempted to starve out the West Berlin-ers *see Berlin Airlift -
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Berlin Airlift
Western Berlin's response to being blocked out of the rest of Germany- supplies and food were brought in via airplanes -
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance- for the economic cooperation of Eastern European countries. Ultimately failed, because Soviet Union was unable to provide much financial aid. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization- Alliance formed between: the United States, Cananda, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands, Britain, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, and Iceland- Greece and Turkey joined later -
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A strategy began early in the Cold War which stated that as long as U.S. and USSR had an equal amount of bombs, they'd keep from launching at each other -
Korean War
South Korea vs. North Korea in a fight of UN forces against Communist forces- ended in a stalemate in 1953 -
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Dwight D. Eisenhower
President during the Cold War; work to ease tensions; was part of creating NATO -
Death of Stalin
Died of stroke- leading to Krushchev's rise in power -
Warsaw Pact
Alliance between Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania -
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Nikita Krushchev
Leader of Soviet Union; part of the Cuban Missile Crisis; oversaw the building of the Berlin Wall -
Krushchev's process for eradicating some of Stalin's harsher policies -
The first satellite successfully launched; USSR responsible for the feat -
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Fidel Castro
Prime Minister during the Cold War -
U.S. top secret CIA agent taking pictures of the Soviet Union's territory- plane shot down -
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John F. Kennedy
President for a short period of time during the Cold War; approved the Bay of Pigs plan -
Yuri Gagarim
Russian pilot and cosmonaut- first human in outer space- completed a complete orbit of the earth -
Bay of Pigs
A U.S. lead mission to revolt against Fidel Castro (Cuban communist political leader) made up of Cuban exiles; ultimately failed -
Berlin Wall built
Wall was constructed by East Germany, in fear of citizens leaving (escaping) to West Germany -
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Cuban Missile Crisis
When USSR and Cuba joined forces, and nuclear missiles were introduced into Cuba -
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Leonid Brezhnev
Leader of USSR during the end of the War Cold; his time as leader is known as a time of great economic stagnation (he was more focused on the military) -
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President Nixon's idea to build up Vietnam's army while slowly withdrawing forces -
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Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty; conferences held bet. U.S. and USSR to settle safety limitations for nuclear weapons -
Period of improved relations and eased tensions between U.S. and USSR during the end of the Cold War -
The idea Gorbachev came up with to boost the economy; to reform the politics and economy in a more favorable fashion -
"Openness"; part of Gorbachev's idea's to reform politics- to be more open about strengths and weaknesses of the USSR -
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Mikhail Gorbachev
Final leader of Soviet Union; implemented ideas such as Glasnost and Perestroika, which lead to the dissolving of the USSR and end of the Cold War -
Berlin Wall torn down
One of the biggest markers of the end of the Cold War