Atomic bomb
The United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima. -
End of World War II
Defeat of Germany and Japan. -
Control of Western and Eastern blocs
Germany controlled Western bloc and the Soviet Union controlled the Eastern bloc of Europe. -
The announce of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan -
Cold War begins
Policy tensions grew among USSR and USA -
Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan is signed
Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan (USA would give resources to other countries so they wouldn’t ally the USSR) -
Germany is divided into 2 main regions, one with Soviet and the other one with USA. -
Period: to
Berlin Airlift
To avoid invasion and conflict, allies sent supplies through air. -
Formation of NATO. The United States and 11 other Western nations. -
Period: to
Korean War
North (communism) invaded South (capitalism) -
Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union and its affiliated Communist nations in Eastern Europe. -
Period: to
Vietnam War
South Vietnam was an ally of the US and North Vietnam was an ally of the USSR. -
Sputnik launching
The success of the USSR launching Sputnik scared the Americans. -
Explorer I launching
USA made its own spaceship launching -
Explorer 6
Is launched into orbit to photograph the Earth. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Closest time the world ever came to a Nuclear War. -
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
The US destroyer Maddox exchanged shots with North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. -
Period: to
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 lands on the moon. First Lunar landing mission -
Creation of Berlin Wall
Kept Germans from going to the West for 28 years. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Communism became weaker and the Wall falled. -
Cold War Ends
Dissolution of the USSR.
The USSR was formally dissolved by declaration of the Soviet of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union.