Cold war

Cold War

  • President Truman Bold Move

    President Truman Bold Move
    President Truman of the US decides to make a bold move to have US give $400 million from the Congress to aid Greece and Turkey to fight communist influence. In the end it works. This involves mostly the economic gaspire theme but it also refers to the religious since US wants Greece and Turkey to reject communism with money.
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    Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Since the US is aiding European countries the soviets decides to block all land and water access to Berlin, the capital. If the residence of Western Berlin did not have help they would be cut off and starve to death. From June, 1948 to May, 1949 British planes fly 1.5 million tons of supplies of the residence of Berlin. This event connects to the Geographic theme of Gaspire since Berlin's land is getting cut off and is forced to receive aid from the British to help their land.
  • Comecon

    This was soviets response to the Marshall plan. it was meant to provide nations with help. Comecon gave nations aid so they would not take money from the US. This is connects with the Gaspire theme of Social because the soviets don't want nations affiliating with the US.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea crossed the 38th parallel in 1950, then UN forces came to the aid of South Korea. Communist China and the USSR gave aid, military support, and weapons to North Korea. After a back and forth war of pushing each other back, it ended in a stalemate and the re-establishing of the 38th parallel. This event connects to the geographical theme of Gaspire since the whole war started from North Korea crossing the 38th parallel and ended in re-establishing the 38th parallel.
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    Bay of Pigs Invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis

    Fidal Castro overthrew the Cuban government then, he implemented a communist regime with the support of the USSR. In response the US trained over 1,000 exiles to overthrow the communist regime. The US then invaded but it failed and in result all diplomatic relations were cut. The Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles into Cuba. The US blocked off Cuba and demanded the missiles be removed and then the soviets removed the missiles. This connects with political the most but also innovative as well.
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    Space Race

    The US and the USSR competed to show who was more technologically advanced. Soviets was the winner with the first man in space in April 12, 1961. President Kennedy promised the US that he would get a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s and he was successful, US sent the 1st man to the moon in July 20, 1969. This connects to Innovation since this was a huge milestone in technology.
  • The Olympics - Basketball

    The Olympics - Basketball
    The US's basketball team was very dominant since 1963. In the summer Olympics the US played USSR, it was a very big rivalry. In the end the Soviets beat the US 51-50, it was a huge upset for the US. This connects to the psychological gaspire theme since it effected the US team very deeply.
  • Hockey- US vs. USSR

    Hockey- US vs. USSR
    The Soviets were known in the world to be the best hockey team in the world. The US team was filled up with all college players and no professional players and lost embarrassingly. Despite the loss the US beat the Soviets 4-3 in the semifinal game and then goes on to win gold in the Olympics.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was built by the East Berlin government to prevent people from going to Western Berlin which was still controlled by western democracies. The Berlin wall finally gets torn down and that signifies the collapse communism in Eastern Europe. This relates to the cultural gaspire theme because this is a milestone in the way people in Berlin lives and people from the east and west can now connect.
  • Vladimir Putin

    Vladimir Putin
    In the the summer war between Russia and Georgia people start to question if President Medvedev is a puppet for Prime Minister Valdimir Putin. In the 2012 elections Putin wins again for his 3rd time and somehow wins over 60% of the vote. When this happened many people protested that the election was rigged and demanded a new election. This relates Political since it involves the election and voting.
  • Trump using Russia

    Trump using Russia
    There has been an rumors going around that President Trump received help from the USSR to win the election. This is an effect from the Cold War because people think that Trump is using Russia to ruin the US.
  • Interview

    what is your definition of Cold War and what images come to mind when you think of it?-"It was more of a political war between the US and Russia. Fighting for world power. images of the Berlin Wall and uneasy images.
    What memories do you have of the Cold War?-"during the cold war some guy scared me about the cold war and I heard a song and to that day that song gives me scares"
    Were you afraid during the Cold War-Yes for sure because I was scared that it was going to be nuclear war where I was