Terahn Conferance
The united states promised stalin that in 1 years time they would open a second front in europe -
Iron Curtain
The iron curtain was a political, military and ideological barrier created by the sovier union after WW2 to seal itsself off from eastern nations/ allies. came to prominance after Churchill's famous iron curtain speach in 1946. -
yalta confere
Roosevelt, Churchill and stalin met to discuss thr future of europe after WW2. It was decided that russian troops would be sent into berlin because they had the most troops available. Unconditional surrender of Germany was aquired and it was partitioned and reorganized. -
Period: to
cold war
Marshal plan
Because the economies of european nations needed immediate help after WW2 $17 billion was given to them from the united states so they could rebuild. -
Berlin blockade begins
The blockade was an attempt by the soviet union to limit the ability of france, Great Britian, and the United States to travel to their sectors in devided Berlin. This was the first major conflict of the cold war. -
USSR atomic bomb
USSR exploded their first atomic bomb. This kicks off the arms race between US and USSR. -
NATO Established
an alliancewhich brings together free and sovereign countries in order to create a collective security system. Signed by west european countries, US and canada. An armed attack on one meant an attack on all -
Berlin Blockade ends
During the blockade the allies brought supplies to the people in berlin by airlift for 320 days until USSR realised the blockade had failed and ended it, -
Chinese Civil War
Communists win the chinese civil war. In the US "losing China" becomes a political issue. -
Sino-soviet pact
The pact was signed by USSR and china. The pact was a formal alliance between the two countries. Military and financial aid was given to cina in case of an attack from japan or US. promise to restore chinese sovereignty over Manchura. -
Korean War begins
Norht Korea invaded south Korea. The US needed to help because of the idea of containment, not wanting the spread of communism. After some tme the war became a stalmate similar to ww2 trench warfare. -
Hydrogen bomb
The hydrogen bomb is 100 times more powerfull than an atomic bomb of the same size. The US was the first to develope one and was the next step in the arms race. -
Eisenhower was elected in 1952 with a promise to end the korean war. -
hydrogen bomb 2
After the US developed a hydrogen bomb the USSR began research and developed one a year after the US -
Joseph Stalin = pause
Joseph Stalin dies and an armistice was signed pausing the korean war. This was the first time that the united states did not win a war. It was a tie. This significantly altered the worlds view of the US -
SEATO is a defensive pact to protect nations from a communist attack. Then, these nations include US France Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, the philippines, Thialand and Pakistan. -
Bay of Pigs
The UNited States attempted to invade cuba and over throw Castro. 1,300 exiles were armed with US weapons painted like cuban weapons and invaded Bahia de Cochinos on the southern coast of cuba. They hoped to gain support from the local population however they were quickly defeated. -
Cuban missile crisis
The soviet union had placed nuclear war heads in cuba that were in firing range of any majo city in America. The US responed to this event by placing an embargo in Cuba. The ussr finally agreed to pull the missiles out of cuba in exchange for a promise that the US would not invade cuba. -
cuban missile crisis
With castros aproval the soviet union started building secret missile bases is cuba. These missiles were in firing range of every major city in the united states. Prezident Kenedy made a statement that any attack from cuba would be concidered an attack by the soviet union. -
SALT 1 was the first of two stratigic arms limitations talks between the USSR and the US.