UN created
United Nations had just been created . United Nations had started off as an international organization to prevent wars. -
Germany divided
Germany divided allies split split Germany into 4 zones ruled by US, UK, USSR, and France. -
US Dropped
The United States dropped two atomic bombs ob Japan, beginnning the Nuclear Age. -
Stalin ignored
Stalin ignored his agreements with the alies and managed to place communists in control of Eastern Europe. -
Churchill Coined
Churchill coined the term ¨Iron Curtain¨ to describe the boundary separating communists Eastern Europe from capatalist Western Europe -
Truman Doctirine
The Truman doctrine was a United States policy of giving economic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal or external exponents. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a United States program to give assistance to help European countries rebuild after war. Announced in June 1947 by secretary of state George Marshall. -
Western Allies
The Western Allies planned to begin circulation of a new currency in their zones of Germany -
Western Allies begin
The Western Allies begin the Berlin AIrlift, a massive operation of flying food and supplies into West Berlin to sustain the whole city. -
United States and USSR began using spies, propaganda, diplomacy, and secret operations to outdo each other. -
US joined
United States joined with 10 Western European nations and Canada to form the North Atlantic -
US H-Bomb
United Stated Developed H-Bomb in 1952 -
USSR developed the H-Bomb in 1953. -
West Germany was accepted
West Germany was accepted in to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)ressurecting soviet fears of a strong Germany. -
USSR joined own alliance
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Formed its own alliance called the Warsaw Pact which inclued all of Eastern Europe and East Germany. -
Soviets developed ICBM
Soviets developed an intercontinental ballistic missle (ICBM) which was capable of hitting the United States. -
Soviets First Satellite launched
In October 1957 the Soviets used an Intercontinental Ballistic Missle (ICBM) to launch the first satellite into space. -
US first satellite
In 1958, The United States launched its first satellite. -
US Spy plane shot down.
United States plane was shot down over the Union of Soiet Socialist Republics, and Powers spent two years in Soviet Prison for espionage. -
Soviets erected Berlin Wall
In August 1961, Soviets erected the Berlin Wall to separate communist East Beriln from Capitalist West Berlin.